
Saw it, but it is up to 2 million stolen votes now. Has to be a lot higher, because it was used in 30 states!

They need to prosecute this, with public execution upon conviction.

This is high treason!



I pray someone in Washington DC grows a backbone between now and the 6th, and raises hell in the House and Senate as they should! If not I think the Republic is done, shake my head. I don't think it'll hold together do this kind of shenanigans, and criminal activity! Reason for personal gain is an ugly thing, and it will bring ruin and destruction one way or another. Some people really really really objected this and they kind of scare me! So stay safe down there be as low profile as you can manage.


What does this mean? "Some people really really really objected this and they kind of scare me!" Some one threatened you? That's what's happening to all our politicians. It used to be that you just had to have thick skin to be a politician. Now you have to be willing to put your life on the line!

I have heard people say if biden is sworn in, they will Lock and Load: and wait for the troops to arrive to take their firearms!

If he is sworn in after rejecting all the court cases on technicalities, and reviewing no evidence of voter fraud; it means our court system has totally failed us! That also means that the Republic is done. I hate it but that's where we are....

My fear is generic, I'd like to avoid blood in the streets! With the closer we get to this, it looks like the chances of that happening reduce daily.

It will be interesting to see what happens when 75 million people refuse to comply with the federal government. It doesn't bode well!


I agree. The patriots have had enough and I don't think they'll accept a Biden presidency since we all know it was stolen. But I also believe that God has a more peaceful plan and it will be a continuation of the Trump administration with very little bloodshed.

Agreed, that's what is supposed to happen; if we follow what the voters wanted! It's impossible for Joe 'bite me'; to Loose 227 counties that Obama won, and then win by a landslide against a record voters turnout....
