Trump and Georgia - Did he really say "change the numbers"?

in #politics3 years ago

Here's the audio of the full phone call between Trump and the Georgia Secretary of State.

It's pathetic, but as usual the media doesn't report it honestly. Trump isn't saying to just change the numbers to give him the 11,000+ he needs. He's saying there's evidence of many tens of even hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes, but the Secretary of State doesn't need to find them all, just investigate up to the point he's proven the outcome was fraudulent. It's bullshit, of course, but it's different than just asking the number to be rewritten, and no doubt Trump sincerely believes there's such a large number of fraudulent votes.

I'm not sure what he thinks could be accomplished. Georgia's votes wouldn't get him near victory. Early on Trump does claim that other swing states' votes are going to be flipping soon, but surely he can't believe that. I took it as a pathetic attempt to persuade Georgia SOS that he'd be the only holdout, and look bad for being so. Throughout Trump insults, berates, and attempts to bully the SOS in his typical way.

One can only imagine the weary frustration of the SOS and his people as they sat through this surely biting their tongues to remain as calm and polite, and say as little, as possible.


…Trump sincerely believes there's such a large number of fraudulent votes.

Sure, since sociopaths believe their own lies.

I think when you tell lies so often, and repeatedly so, you start believing in them as if that becomes reality in your world view. It doesn't help that he surrounds himself with like-minded yes (wo)men.

I'm not sure what he thinks could be accomplished.

I have no idea if this is real or a elaborate show.. but in this crazy show let me contest your view.

You contest that ..

It's bullshit, of course

if it was bullshit, why lie about it?

when it is provably false what the media have been saying happened in that call.

that is pretty weird.

when they were putting up boxes in the windows to block people, and pushing conservative folks out of the poll counting areas..

I'd think everyone would be pissed.

bit shocked at the acceptance of this, but then, most are in fact unaware.. because they would be pissed.