It is impossible to tell the truth about demographics in this country without being branded as a bigot.

in #politicslast year


A typical liberal despises Trump for silly things that were made artificially important by the press; making fun of journalists, naming people like "low energy Jeb" as childish and using course language. Regardless of how true or amoral these perceptions were the media made sure they were perceived as true and amoral. These things were reason enough to put Joe in office. They thought under Joe we would attain affordable education, medical care and a "living" wage for all. They think of these things as rights. They also were satisfied that women's rights and gay rights would be protected under Joe and that our "racist" immigration policy would be undone. As if any of that is important.

These were NOT the issues. They were distractions. They were high school debating points. They claimed climate change is the greatest threat to the world. Worse than a nuclear apocalyptic Iranian Mullah, or worse than a nation whose children are amongst the most stupid on earth, literally, according to international standards. The communist state of China is actively and openly attempting a military and economic takeover of the world. They have a point system in place determining if you're a good citizen or not, reeducation camps and they are the greatest polluter of the earth's oceans of any nation. THESE were and still are the real dangers.

There's an old saying. Keep it simple stupid. The Democratic machine has adopted something similar for their youthful supporters. Keep them stupid with simple things. The concept of a statistical anomaly rendering a certain data set the effect of intelligent interference and not random input is not overly complex but apparently too complex for liberals.


A typical liberal despises Trump for silly things that were made artificially important by the press

Nope. It’s the criminality.