Djibouti: the small unknown country with a lot of explanations for past, present & future world events.

in #politicslast month

Have you ever heard of Djibouti?

Of course not! Because talking about the existence of Djibouti and the countries that surround it has never been in the interest of the first world countries. The richest, the most developed, the most advanced, the most "civilized" and the most colonialist. And those who dominate and control the mass media throughout the world. ¿Why would they gonna do it?

Were they going to do it so that you would discover and know why the things are as they are around the world? ¡No way! They always will want to keep you ignorant about what they have done, still do and will continue to do as long as you do not have the slightest idea of what they do and have done throughout the centuries until today. Nothing new really. It has always been like this until the arrival of the internet.

And it is precisely through the use of the Internet that I intend to take you out of your ignorance a little. And I won't do it using more words, since I know very well that you don't like to read much. And it would be a vain and futile effort if I tried it with written words. In view of all the audiovisual material that I have brought to you today so that you can see and confirm everything by yourself and thus be able to draw your own conclusions on what is going on around the world these days.

So now simply lie comfortably in your favorite armchair and just watch and listen carefully without having to strain your eyes while reading anything. Let's get started!

«Djibouti Overview»

«Exploring its culture»

«Its Geopolitical Importance»

«Its Unique Geostrategic Location»

«Their Current Worldwide Influence»

«The Real History & Hard Facts»

«Events In Full Development»

Alright, now I just hope and aspire that at least you already know a little more about geography, history, geopolitics, economics and why the things are the way they are in your own country and in your closest neighborhood all over the world. ¡Long live the internet!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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Cranky Gandalf



I thought I knew all the countries in the world. But it seems I don't. If I ever heard about this one, I have forgotten about it. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

I thought I knew all the countries in the world. But it seems I don't.

Well, actually don't worry too much for that. Since Djibouti was not considered a country until September 20, 1977. At least one real and "independent" country.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

As you know, it always will be a great pleasure for me to bring new things to your attention.

I guess, the Geography books in school were not up-to-date back iwhen I did those classes.
That said, most countries I learned by actually visiting them, much later in life 🎶

it always will be a great pleasure for me to bring new things to your attention.
Am happy to bring you that pleasure 🙇

I guess, the Geography books in school were not up-to-date back iwhen I did those classes.

Yep, that's right. And as I already mentioned in the post, because it was not in the best interest of the "Powers That Be" that someone knew of the existence of Djibouti either.

Am happy to bring you that pleasure 🙇

Hence, this interaction always will be a great fountain of pleasure to enjoy by both of us.

An incredibly important exposition of geopolitical confrontation.


That's right, although in my opinion the most important thing of all is that as many people as possible know and be aware of this.