Cratering Trust In Political System Obviously Other Side's Fault

in #politicslast month

The researchers confirmed it's all your fault and the fault of your fellow political travelers.

Tel Aviv, May 9 - Surveys have confirmed in raw numbers what many in Israel have long suspected: the continuing decline in the credibility of public institutions in public perception flows directly from the policies and rhetoric of whichever political camp stands in opposition to yours.

Studies proved further this week that declining trust in political figures and bodies such as the Knesset, the Supreme Court, government ministries, the Election Commission, the police, various government-run corporations, and government-funded media operations, and numerous other entities all stems from the other political side's machinations and abuses.

The researchers confirmed that crumbling trust in the judiciary is a direct outgrowth of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's ongoing attempts to weaken and undermine it, unless it's because Netanyahu's opponents have weaponized the courts in repeated attempts to remove him from political life by legal means because they have failed again and again to do so through democratic elections.

Israelis distrust the media because the mainstream outlets have been subjected to years of right-wing rhetoric attacking them or calling them hateful, unless those outlets long ago decided to adopt a specific bias that miraculously dovetails with the sensibilities of a specific slice of the leftist political elite.

Trust in the police has never been lower, because the police have treated non-Jewish minorities with brutality and insensitivity, unless it's Haredim, against whom they deploy skunk-water-spraying trucks, which they never use against left-wing demonstrators who cause much greater disruption, but that's a good thing because the left-wing cause is just, unlike those backward conservatives who want to force their view on everybody, which they would accomplish through the media and political institutional elite dominated by the left, which of course are the last bastions of democracy that must be protected from voters who increasingly do not vote the way the elite wants them to.

The legislature has lost all of the public's confidence as lawmakers devote their time to posturing and pandering to extremists, which form an inherent part of YOUR side, but whom MY side understands are nothing but an impotent fringe, and it's dishonest to assign them any importance, but of course dishonesty is your side's only way of doing things, while YOU have never forcefully denounced YOUR extremists, which makes you complicit and probably supportive of their fascist agenda, or defeatist agenda, or antireligious agenda, or cronyist agenda, whichever is relevant.

The researchers confirmed it's all your fault and the fault of your fellow political travelers.

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