New Party Promises To Slice Off Gaza, Tow It To Turkey; Projected To Win 90% Of Vote

in #politics19 days ago

RMM promises to make helping Gaza from Turkey much easier.

Tel Aviv, April 16 - A potential political earthquake looms in Israel's future, experts warned today, following the release of a new survey of the electorate that foresees a sweeping majority for a new political group vowing to separate Hamas's main stronghold from the mainland and drag it over the Mediterranean to where the Islamist movement's most ardent supporters can take a more direct hand in providing for them.

Polls over the weekend put support for the nascent "Reverse Mavi Marmara" Party at ninety percent, an unprecedented statistic in Israeli politics. Within a margin of error of 2 points, the surveys elicited "firm" or "enthusiastic" yes votes for RMM amounting to 108 of the Knesset's 120 seats; the party's chief platform component involves a multi-year engineering project to sever the Gaza Strip from Israel and from the bedrock beneath, and tow the territory to the Turkish coast.

The party's name involves an ironic reference to a 2010 flotilla carrying anti-Israel agitators to "break" Israel's blockade of Gaza. The flotilla centered around a former ferry called the Mavi Marmara, and sailed from Turkey before Israeli naval forces interdicted it. The boats carried only token amounts of the "aid" that organizers touted the flotilla intended to deliver, and the activists on board resisted violently, with fatal results. RMM promises to make helping Gaza from Turkey much easier, and removing Israeli forces from the picture.

Gaza's two million residents have posed a quandary for Israel and the international community for decades. Egypt, which conquered the territory in 1948, but lost it to Israel in 1967, refuses to take it back. Israel, while it established communities there after 1967 - several had existed before 1948 but were evacuated when Egyptian military and local guerrilla attacks made their position untenable - removed all Israelis from the Gaza Strip in 2005.

Gaza's leadership ever since has dedicated all available resources to attacking Israel, no matter the cost in Palestinian blood and resources. International aid to rebuild after each Israeli campaign to neutralize the threat has only reinforced the phenomenon, as Hamas leaves responsibility for the welfare of its 2 million subjects to the same international community, while attending only to its violent aims. Matters came to a head in last fall with the October 7 pogrom by Hamas and Gaza civilians; 1200 Israelis were murdered and hundreds kidnapped as part of an orgy that involved torture, mass rape, and numerous other atrocities. RMM's platform, while ambitious, expensive, protracted, and of questionable feasibility, underscores the sentiment among Israelis that they wish to be rid of Gaza once and for all, by any means necessary.

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