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RE: Huff Post says forced sharing is caring ~ What's Your Definition of Compassion?

in #politics6 years ago

Plenty of folks on the right are also just fine with having money taken from other people’s wallets to fund things those others would not choose to fund. Like killing lots of dark-skinned people in countries that most Americans couldn’t find on a map, funding police and prisons to conduct a war on drugs and “get tough on crime” that, entirely coincidentally, incarcerates millions of other Americans who happen to be dark-skinned.

It’s not really a leftist thing, it’s a statist thing.


No disagreements here. I figured someone would say something like that, and I thought about writing almost verbatim what you wrote. But I've come to realize it seems to be an unnecessary repetitive rebuttal. Like if I rip on the right, I'll hear "but the left does it too'. and vice versa as you clearly stated concerning the left.

It's kinda like "boo Clinton!!!" - "oh, so you're a Trump fan , eh?!"

I'm happy to call out the right, this just so happened to be the flavor of the day.