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RE: Trump Failure

in #politics4 years ago (edited)

It didn’t show how he close down travel from China in January, before any deaths were reported. Everyone including Biden called him a racist xenophobe

Then as it spread around the world Biden literally apologized, because Trump made the right move.

The # of cases are inflated, it is shocking you don’t know this by now, or maybe you’re just pretending you don’t know.

Also, the # of deaths is misleading because of the fact, that if I have covid, and as I am walking down the street a bus kills me, my death would be counted as a covid death....

Almost all deaths are being listed as covid mainly because hospitals are abusing the system where they can get more money for covid deaths.

I am not even a Trump fan lol he is a puppet but at least the elite that control him are not psychopaths like the elites that have been reigning harder leading up to 2016