in #politics6 years ago

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Question: “When I was growing up, people didn't seem to question how the rich got rich. It was always taken that if you were wealthy, it would be because you were smart, worked hard and probably got a bit lucky. There was never any contempt or anger toward someone for being successful in life, certainly not on the scale that I've witnessed amongst my friends and in the media lately. What I've noticed is a gradual gravitation towards a loathing and seething resentment against the wealthy. "They probably got rich because of inherent privilege!" "They are wealthy because they inherited it!" "We should tax them more in order to fund the poor!" In fact, this bubbling anger seems to have surfaced as a neo-Marxist argument which is creeping ever further into our culture and politics globally. How do we solve this argument of entitlement of the wealthy? Do the rich really deserve their wealth in all cases? How can we argue against the "rob the rich, to feed the poor is justified" mantra I've been hearing more and more from the Government and my social circles?”

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Looks like it's time to setup a Hong Kong free-thinkers meetup. There are at least 3 of us now.

going back to your interview with Paul Watson....some are rich because they "created" modern art.