How success should be measured.

in #politics8 months ago

If you want to become a more philosophical thinker for liberty and stand out from the crowd, pick up Philosophical Voluntaryism. It will equip you with the fundamental reasoning tools needed to maximize your potential and guide you toward a peaceful and prosperous life through the consistent application of Voluntaryist ethical principles.

Get your own copy here:


#success #wellness #taxationistheft #anime #bitcoin


If you want to become a more philosophical thinker for liberty and stand out from the crowd, pick up Philosophical Voluntaryism. It will equip you with the fundamental reasoning tools needed to maximize your potential and guide you toward a peaceful and prosperous life through the consistent application of Voluntaryist ethical principles.

Get your own copy here:


Let's see now...

Guns owned: 6 (8 if you count legal non-firearms like black powder weapons)
Anime watched: none in the past year, 5 series to completion
Pho eaten: none in the past year, though I just made some spicy egg noodles for lunch
Bitcoin: none currently, but I hodl about $2000 in Ethereum
TiT memes: IDK, but here's another one:

TiT 1.png

How'd I do?

Oh, by the way, I think you should add another category: statists ratio'd. I'd kill it in that category alone! Here's my latest beatdown.