All the Single Ladies (Destroy Western Civilization)

in #politics2 years ago


It is common among feminists today to blame all their problems on "the patriarchy," which they want to "smash." However, it is the smashing of the patriarchy that has caused so many of their (and society's at large) problems.

A core problem in politics today is the rising number of single women. Women are, on average, more irrational and emotional, therefore more inclined towards liberal/progressive policies—and nanny-state government over-reach in general. It is a cliché as old as time that the husband is a conservative/stoic/rugged individual while the wife is an empathetic/nurturer/communal caregiver. Father gives tough love while mother dotes and nurtures. This is a cliché because it is mostly true—by nature.

These masculine and feminine archetypes balance each other out. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, which is what makes marriage such a profound union for human society. A woman can help her husband be a bit more empathetic toward others, while the man can help his wife be a bit more rational. Rather than doing what feels good to help others—make sure the “help” is actually helping.

This brings us to the problems facing society today. There is currently a historically unprecedented number of single women (and men). These single ladies see all the liberal tear-jerking news online and on social media, so they get absorbed in whatever the Current Thing is and wholeheartedly support it based on their feelings, regardless of the facts. These women have no husband to explain the geopolitics of Russia, how economic sanctions backfire, and the history of NATO—or police policy, crime statistics, and demographics. They simply process these news stories emotionally and support Black Lives Matter and stand with Ukraine.

There are likewise single men who are moving further to the right politically because they have no feminine force to move them back toward the center. On the other hand, there are also men who have lower testosterone because of poor food, diet, lack of exercise, and environmental contamination. Plus, they have been indoctrinated by the educational system and the entire media and entertainment industry (aka the Cathedral) to be more liberal and progressive. And of course, being (or pretending to be) liberal and progressive is a good mating strategy for men, considering the vast majority of females are liberal progressives. Hence the majority of modern society is liberal and progressive, and society is moving further and further left, leading to decay and inevitable collapse.

One might be inclined to think, “What’s wrong with being progressive? Who could possibly be against progress?” But the current conception of leftist “progressive” politics is like climbing faster and faster up a hill toward a cliff over a pit of fire. Sometimes to make true progress and survive, society must revert backward down the hill from whence it came.

In this case, that might mean reverting to more traditional religious family values and re-establishing the patriarchy. The depressed and anxious single ladies in the current year are constantly blaming the patriarchy for all their problems. However, under the patriarchy they would be married with children right now; while under feminism they are single and have to work a job they hate. But hey, this is “progress,” right.