The Party of Men Will Always Defeat the Party of Women

in #politics2 months ago


The political realignment over the past decade or so, especially among the burgeoning Gen-Z voters, is that the Democrats have essentially become the party of women and the Republicans the party of men. Pundits on the left are now trying to figure out how to appeal to young male voters. However, this is impossible for them to do because they are incapable of honestly recognizing and sympathizing with the issues of young men, particularly white men. The left's policies are diametrically opposed to the well-being of young white men, whom they explicitly frame as the source of all the world's problems. There is no amount of “messaging” or propaganda that could convince men to vote against their self-interests.

Then on the right, you have “traditional conservatives” in the Republican Party saying Donald Trump needs to change his messaging to appeal more to women. But that is precisely wrong. Trump won because of his masculine message, not in spite of it. As long as Republicans remain the party of men, and Democrats the party of women, Republicans will continue to win. There are more women who will vote for a strong masculine leader than there are men who will vote for a girlboss.

Women are naturally drawn to strong men because they intrinsically know that strong men protect women. It took decades of feminist propaganda at every level of media and academia to convince women to ignore all their instincts and believe otherwise. The left routinely calls the right "anti-women," but they're not anti-women--they're just not anti-men. Whereas the left is both explicitly and implicitly anti-men.

Even the left's supposedly pro-female policies end up hurting women. Such as the welfare incentives for single mothers, which encourages them to not get married to have a stable father figure for their children. Instead they remain single to collect welfare checks.

Of course the number one "women's rights" issue is abortion. Many conservative women on the right already recognize abortion as not an issue of women's rights, but of baby murder. Eventually, many more women will realize that nothing will make them happier in life than giving birth to a child of their own. And they’ll realize that biological realities necessitate they have children early in life. Therefore the last people who should be getting abortions are young women who have never had children before (a demographic that constitutes the majority of abortions). If women don't have children the first time they become pregnant, they may never do so. Perhaps there could be a case for an older woman who already has six children not wanting another baby at age 40--but such a woman who has experienced the joy of motherhood would never want to abort the chance at another miracle.

Women have been psyoped by feminist propaganda into thinking that they would rather have careers than families. But as time goes on, the hard truths of reality will come crashing down on those progressive lies. Millennial women are starting to surpass the age of viable pregnancy, and far too many of them remain single. SSRIs can only do so much for so long to keep women content as childless cat ladies who die alone.

In the past, before women had the right to vote, both American political parties were masculine and patriarchal, but they both had to also cater to women's issues. Sure, only men could vote, but almost all men were married, and women had a say in the household. Men must appease their wives to some extent or their own lives will become miserable. Happy wife, happy life.

But after women gained the right to vote, it started the inevitable progression toward one party catering increasingly more to women, at which point the other party must cater to men. The difference is, men actually care about the well-being of women. Men want a society that produces happy wives and mothers. Whereas resentful single women want all men to be miserable.

Therefore, by Republicans embracing their role as the party of men, masculinity, and patriarchy, they are guaranteed to win and continue winning in the future—as long as the Democrats remain the party of women. The Right will only win more dramatically in the future, as more women wake up to the feminist lies they've been taught and attempt to reassemble the patriarchy they so heedlessly smashed.