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RE: Will Mark Zuckerberg Use Mind Control to Become President of the United States?

in #politics6 years ago

Hmm, it does seem like his actions could lead to him running for president. Mind control is definitely real, but it doesn't work like most people think. Our subconscious minds can be reprogrammed by all sorts of things like subliminal messages for example. Having that many followers would definitely give him a big advantage to go for president...


Do you have any links on subliminal message examples? I've seen some short term priming stuff, but not full on mind control. I like reading about that stuff though.

I think we'll be surprised about how many fb followers don't vote for him because they don't care! FB is used for business and socializing, if something better comes along, the masses will move over to the next thing. Nobody thought FB was going to make an impact when MySpace was huge. Don't underestimate people and their fickle natures ;)