Are Bill Gates & The Rockefeller Foundation Perfectly Fulfilling the Biblical Prophecy of the Mark of The Beast?

in #politics4 years ago (edited)

In my early life I had no time for 'the Bible' since I knew it to be hugely inaccurate in important ways and to also be behind a great deal of human suffering over the centuries. None the less, there are some noteworthy parts in what I have read of it (and I have only read a small percentage). I feel that there's a key one here we need to talk about!

One very interesting detail is that the 'number of the tribe of Judah' (tribe of light) equates to the speed of light in our modern measurement systems. Ordinarily I don't speak about this much but I do know for certain that many old prophecies from tribes and other sources have come true during my lifetime (the Hopi Prophecies being a good example). Now I feel it's right to highlight the blatantly obvious connection between Bill Gates, The Rockefeller Family and the biblical prophecy of the Mark of the Beast.. Is anyone paying attention?

The idea of The Mark of the Beast comes to us from the Book of Revelation:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six

The previous lines in this section of the book of Revelation contain symbolic descriptions that are hugely open to interpretation. I feel I have a good explanation for them, but rather than explore that aspect I want to focus in on the text I have quoted above as it is fairly unambiguous.

The text describes a warning of a reality where people cannot trade without having a number and a mark. In other words, there would be some kind of system implemented that would somehow enforce trading to be restricted to only those who are part of the system and each of those people would be identifiable by some kind of mark. What is a mark? A symbol, imprint, tattoo or possible an implant!

People have discussed this for a very long time - what would a system be like that would fulfil this prophecy? Well, we already have the technology to make this a reality and, yes, the Gates Foundation and Rockefeller Foundations are very much tied up with trying to force it onto this planet right now.

I wonder - would people view Bill Gates a 'superhero philanthropist' if they realised that a 2000 year old book said to be of divine origin literally warned about him in advance? I am absolutely not one for organised religion, but I am also not one to deny what is right in front of my face.

Perhaps we are to think that a patent registered by Gates' Microsoft company, with the code WO 2020 060606, that specifies a system that LITERALLY connects the actions of a human body (including blood pumping rates and any other body act that can be sensed electronically) to cryptocurrency trading technologies... Is just 'mere coincidence'? Really?

Microsoft's 666 Patent Connecting physical bodies to financial trading

Source: Patent Scope

What about the recent TRACE act in the US that funds 'Contact Tracing' (monitoring the movements of all people) - which ALSO has a the code of 6666?

US Bill HR 6666


Bill Gates & Rockefeller Foundation Intent to Enslave Humanity with ID2020 and 'Quantum Tattoos'?

Clearly the Bill Gates and Rockefeller families/foundations have vast amounts of money and therefore also power in a world where money often 'buys' the will of others. What else have they been up to?

It actually doesn't take a lot to control billions of people as long as there is a hierarchic pyramid system in place where each layer has a bit more power than the one below it. As long as people agree to or are intimidated into holding their position, the top-down domination can continue.

This topic is so vast that there is no real way for me to answer it in less than 100 pages or even 1000 pages. The best thing for me to do here is to pass on some great videos on this topic and @corbettreport, as always, has done stellar work on this. Please take your time to watch the recent videos from him at the end of this post. I have also included several other highly relevant videos below.

Please watch the videos below as they contain epic levels of detail that I cannot include in the text here.

As a very brief summary: Whistleblower Aaron Russo, close friend of Nicholas Rockefeller, stated years ago - before his death - that Rockefeller had openly said to him that the end goal of his agenda was to have the whole population implanted with chips in order to control them. Please see the video of this interview, as well as the interview from whistleblower, William Pawalec (Deceased), stating that Siemens has had billions of microscopic implants stored away for a long time. Bill Gates comes from a family line of eugenicist control freaks and has not only been logged as flying on Industrial scale child abuser for blackmail purposes, Jeffrey Epstein, but one of his own engineers was arrested at Gates' mansion in the same year (2013) for possession of 6000+ images of child rape and abuse.

Gates with industrial scale child abuser/abductor Jeffrey Epstein

This is only the tip of the iceberg here though, the web of connections between what Gates and the Rockefellers have been up to is simply vast.

Gates with another alleged largescale child abuser - Peter Nygard

Gates' 'ID2020' program aims to have every person literally MARKED WITH A QUANTUM TATTOO and tracked. This in turn opens to the door to connection to digital currency systems that absolutely can and will result in the manifestation of the 'Mark of the Beast' prophecy.

I am not aware of any evidence at all that this group are not demonstrating a fulfilment of this prophecy and actually, I think there's a good chance they know they are doing it and they are doing it deliberately. Are you going to challenge them? Or let them take you where THEY want you to go?

I challenge anyone to watch the following videos and disagree with my assertion here. All comments welcome!

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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I mean it’s not a coincidence that there was patent 060606 by Microsoft and HR 6666 in the US. Those don’t seem to happen by accident, and we know these crazies are hugely into satanic stuff and rituals.
I’ve watched James’ videos over the past 2 years and it’s still vastly something I haven’t completed. I have been enjoying the gates series, I’ll be watching the latest one tomorrow!

Absolutely, yes - I meant to include that patent - I will add it ;)

Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, Revelation 13


I remember reading somewhere there was a "rule or need" for "them" to tell you what they were going to do up front. I think it has something to do with actually giving someone Free Choice.

The secret is... If you can control the information, you can control the "choice".

The people who actually do look at the real information end up in two camps, "us and them".

I consider myself one of "us" because I know with my heart that "them" actually wants to eliminate, subjugate, enslave or just flat out kill me.

This is "them" getting IN YOUR FACE and rubbing your nose in it. It's so over the top obvious that most just say "no way your tinfoil is too tight".


The rockerfellers are openly involved in a UN project millenium development goals, or under its more updated term agenda 2030. According to conspiracy theory, and I haven't found proof of this, is agenda 2030 wants to depopulate the earth by 90-95% to make things sustainable. Though i am not able to find evidence to link depopulation to agenda 2030, There is evidence to show it is on the mind of top UN donors like. Ted Turner and others. Although his quote, "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." in 1996 has been attributed to multiple sources (audubon , McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, perhaps others) but I haven't seen an original text or copy. I do recall hearing similar claims when I was in college about that time, but the search engines seems to have been scrubbed of records older than 2008 of that particular quote-still there are old records of Turner's reported ambitions, (the notes also shows Warren buffet's involvement-which is similar to hillary clinton and Dr Fauci who both support the millenium goals). There is a partial quote of the above that appears in a 1999 article,
. Interestingly enough "sustainable development" and ted turner are mentioned in a 1995 paper, Also of Ted turners donation to the un to essentially kill babies, Bill Gates soon followed. . I wont begin to start about claims that the gates vaccines are sterilizing people.
it is also no secret that china's influence in the world is growing, and they have a one child policy. And reports of billionaires, including Bill Gates, trying to slow down human populations growth rates. . See also, which may take quotes from behind the paywall.

Some say that the feminist movement was to expand the work pool to women to drive down wages, but from what I see in geneological records women tended to work anyways if they wanted too, and in earlier times, as can be seen in amish camps today, many produced goods from home in which were sold to the market. So there is a myth of the patriarchy, but perhaps what was holding women back from working in the factories, merchant ships, large constructions, corporations, etc was biological reasons-they have and tended to raise kids that might keep them out of working in the factories-But they could working on home made crafts and services, general stores, agriculture, etc, or other community gigs.

In 1965 there was griswald v connecticutt permitting birth control, in 1968 a professor launched a book called the population bomb threatening mass starvation (and likely malthusian consequences) due to increasing global populations, and in 1973 roe v wade that legalized abortions. At some point divorce laws with liberalized-cough Blame governor Ronald Reagan. Also in the 70s the courts liberalized the laws of pornography. In 1976 Pennsylvania moved to destroy logos in a court proceeding, and that was expanded globally through the UN, the OAS, and nationally here in the USA from a bill offered by Joe Biden. A bill that essentially destroyed loving and natural attachments between men and women in this country, and an era when men became terrified of having kids and terrified of becoming emotionally attached to women. So instead of building together to raise a strong healthy family together, became too much risk through the family court system that usually meant the father would be rendered homeless and in/out of the jail system-effectively ending his further contribution to the gene pool. After vawa, then things more on to gay acceptance, and later trans acceptance and indoctrination especially in our school systems. Both of whom are unable to have kids, but are not as devastating for a society as the family courts. It also sounds like young adult women are turning into cam whores to make a quick buck from simps. Ignoring arguments for/against legalization of prostitution, and assuming all parties are adults, in the states where prostitution is illegal, there is no enforcement of existing prostitution laws against "ethots" nor strengthening existing prostitution laws to prohibit ethots. The media seems to be encouraging the "coomers", and against anyone who would say no to them and want a real relationship. What will the ethots do when robots and AI and replace them, and again likely no regulation against them. The latest sordid modern incarnation of empowering women through taking easy simp bucks may end tragically for women when the money stops, and they have literally no workplace skills.

Our foods for years are being laced with genetic modifications, and canned with estrogens. Cooking wear have also been laced with estrogens. US beef have been banned in other countries because it has too many estrogens. Estrogens from plastics of birth control are in the water reducing a man's ability to have kids, and even changing the genders of animals-and perhaps to some degree humans. I am a vegetarian myself, but one has to question the push for all these soy alternatives that are also laced with extrogens-And the impossible whopper is full of them. I am sure they also know what the flouride in our water and tooth paste is doing, even if we don't.

The old communist knew what the elitists were doing back in the old days, and spoke out against these eugenics programs. Marx himself reportedly was against Malthusian theories of war-blaming capitalism instead. Ultimately when the communist and socialist embraced the environmental movement, they were on the same page of the global elitists.

there are somethings that white nationalist are pulling up: Headlines from the same newspaper encouraging [say germans] to stop having kids, and also headlines saying they need immigration to repopulate the country. After a few hours of looking, I been unable to find the meme-could be buried by google. But nonethless, the UN is also expecting a depopulation of the west and a great replacement. . In the US where we have some 30 million now unemployed due to corona, the federal government is still taking in H1-B visas to work. In the UK the pubs are closed due to corona, but 100k people fly in every week without screening. If you spell that out, you'll be arrested over there. . It's no always overt such as intersectionality based policies and can be subtle, but federal policy in western civilization seems to be trying to create a race based us v them-even though it really isn't us v them. Native born citizens became the lowest class under global communist ideals that leave them behind, and that brews resentment and nationalism and national socialism. Even in Saudi Arabia where America Labour was once welcome, due to domestic unemployment Americans are now becoming unwelcome. . The Western politicians, Unlike the Saudis, are blantantly refusing to represent the people as if they serve a higher calling-and it aint God. There are reported claims that some of the malthsians are scheming depopulation through genocide. That may not be like Dr Fauci's schemes (with Clinton and norway) to kill black babies in the third world through family planning, but they could be scheming a full blown race war throughout the western world.
Many in those white nationalist groups are looking for a monarch bent on conquest who will reclaim land from non-white people, even taking over entire cities. When you point out that it's not the POCs at fault but their own politicians of their own kind, they blame the jews alleging that they control them as if the politicians are incapable of making their own decisions. So they refuse to hold the politicians accountable, but every other category of people then their own race. The white nationalists aren't very bright; they are needy people who need to depend upon the idea of a strong leader that will loot the land and provide for them-and are incapable of even governing their own lives-or even considering escaping society. I think the christ church shooter said there were 100k of them across the globe. If they ever do find their monarch, and they blindly follow him, it will be very dark days ahead.
I don't think any state legislature could handle a spontaneous unannounced coup attempt launched against them when they are in session. Cities and counties would be easier to capture, but the state would easily liberate a city. It is true that the feds are permitted to use the militias from the many states to stop an insurrection, but supposing an insurrection is complete then that may remove federal power/jurisdiction. The federal govt may still act, hide behind sovereign immunity, and then seek judicial guidance later. Despite the power of a state easily being able to crush a single or group of individuals for his/their speech, the core powers of a state are very fragile to being usurped by a small armed militia. About the only defense a state has is most militias have already been infiltrated by federal informants guised as members.

There is something significant about wiping out 90% of the population. I don't know where I could find it in scripture, but I recall from sermons that when the wrath of God struck that there would only remain a 10% remnant among the jews. Heard many other algorithms or claims over the years saying the end is nigh, relating to distances between past tribulations, or a certain time period after the third temple itself.


Plus, check out my comment on this blog thread if you want two full posts on the Rockefellers!