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RE: Polygala - colour me Mauve

in #polygala6 years ago

The September bush is a common, widespread, pioneer shrub that flowers on and off all year round, peaking in the spring.
The flowers resemble that of a pea-flower and close at night time.
This plant was believed to enhance milk production in livestock.

Where it grows
Occurs naturally in South Africa, from the Bokkeveld Mountains near Clanwilliam in the Western Cape to Kwazulu-Natal. Commonly found growing on dunes, rocky slopes, in forests, along streams, in scrub and open grassland.

Useful links
Plantz Africa
Queensland Government, Weeds of Australia
Capsule: dry fruit that opens by valves, slits or pores to release seeds (dehiscent) and is composed of two or more united carpels (the basic unit of the female sexual organ).

Keel: lower petals resembling the bottom of a boat.
Obovate: two-dimensionally egg-shaped with widest part at the apex.
Raceme: a flowering structure where the individual flowers are clearly stalked, the newest and last to open being at the apex.
