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RE: Polygala - colour me Mauve

in #polygala6 years ago

Polygala myrtifolia "Riviersonderend" is a miniature form of the well-known Polygala myrtifolia. Hardy, evergreen, drought-resistant shrublet growing to only 1m tall. It has bright-green, broadly-lanceolate leaves.

The magenta flowers are borne in lax terminal heads throughout summer and autumn, and attract Carpenter Bees, butterflies and other tiny, pollinating insects to the garden. The seeds are relished by Laughing Doves.

This handsome compact form is an ideal alternative for the garden that is too small for the large tree-like form of the Polygala myrtifolia. A useful garden and container plant.

Prune regularly. Enjoys well-composted soil in a sunny or lightly shaded position.

Size: up to 100cm
Coastal areas - Western Cape
