A post about something I haven't done in a while

in #poshlast year

which is curating @poshtoken comments, a.k.a. tweets with Hive link shares in them. Although we do have our initiatives here and there through @ocd which garner some rewards and pick up some great tweets and some times also curate the posts that were shared, I wanted to discuss and at the same time show you what this process entails.

It's not an easy task, there's a lot of posh eligible tweets that exist daily and looking at the stats they're constantly growing (recent record of 416 tweets in one day, and this is only those who reached the minimum requirements to earn some POSH, the total was 643!). Now you may be thinking, but "that's your job", well, not quite. Although it's true that I'm leading @poshtoken there's a lot of people involved in it such as curators and devs helping out and my plans have always be that if something were to happen to me it could be moved over to another person to take charge (or if I did something the community would deem unacceptable for me to continue working on it). Point is, it's a community project and a hobby for me, a hobby that has cost me quite some time and other people as well and personally it has also cost me quite a lot of Hive until we switched the tokenomics around a bit to make its price self-sustainable.

I guess you could say it's a general problem on Hive with curation, one could put in a lot of effort to make the most of it daily, thus investing time, or one could just set up an autovote or trail and receive the same returns without all that headache of actually putting in any effort. I guess it's a bit of a crux similar to when you're trying to cast some "good" downvotes to help distribution, although I'm sure we're going to figure out how to balance incentives all around for a healthier ecosystem eventually.

Either way, here's the video first so you can take a look, I only included a little text here and there along with the song names I was listening to at the time as I had youtube on auto.

(warning audio music)

So, why did I stop doing this curation? Well there's a few reasons to it.

  1. I have a lot going on and this was taking a lot of time out of my day. So much time that I started getting lazy with it and just voting up comments without doing due diligence which is not something I like doing. Not just that it caused accounts I don't think should've received Hive rewards to get away with some but also cause when I strive for manual curation on this account I like to stick to it and make sure what I'm curating I have at least a faint knowledge and memory of later having read or at least glanced at it if it's from an author I trust.
  2. The added "no incentive" for doing all this work does take a toll on you in the end, after doing it for about a month you can imagine that's a lot of hours in total I could've spent on quite literally anything else and gotten some extra stake out of that. Now yes, I understand the "greater good", etc, but I'm just human and have my limits towards selfless work, especially when it's this kind of "labor" work that is both boring in a sense and requires you to do a lot.

Plans for the future would be to share the workload with others, preferably curators with a history and experience in either curation or also posh since part of the work gets easier if you already are familiar with a lot of the usernames and their history/reputation/activity to not have to check on everyone on the Twitter activity side. It's the thing that's also important with POSH cause we want to keep our Twitter activity similar to the one on Hive; genuine. Not just because the reward pool helps us reward these tweets and keep the token price up for those wanting to cash in on their POSH rewards, but also for the reputation of Hive for those who are on Twitter promoting it. We don't want bot looking accounts with fake followers and activity being at the center of Hive cause that'll make us all look bad which is a reason we keep things so strict to not incentivize that, even though we can't control what happens there we can make sure not to reward it through here. We already have quite a POSH banlist and that's part why curators are important rather than just automating the poshtoken comment curation. (beat that AI, we still need humans)

Other plans would be to reward this activity, the how is important here and we will have to think about more as we wouldn't want to take too much value/stake from the project for this as that can surely be used for development and growth later on, but one thing is sure is that this kind of work deserves some good rewards as it's quite tedious even shared among others.

With this post I'd also want to encourage projects/games/dapps to look out for poshtoken comments and similar to us help us curate them, especially those that are about your own project. For instance if @splinterlands would see that some great splinterlands posts were shared by some people and seem to have genuine impressions on Twitter, give the comment a vote to not just encourage people to continue sharing but also incentivize more to do so. The rewards on the comment go 100% to the sharers (-1% reward.app liquidation fee) unless they also selfvote it in that case their share goes to @hive.fund. Of course others are also welcomed to join the poshtoken curation and we'd appreciate any and all of it, except for abusive ones. :P

Anyway, thanks for reading and watching, I'll be posting again in the near future when we think some more about some solutions. Could be it would also be a great time for POSH to finally get a DHF proposal up as it's been quite a long time of development and a working concept that's looking to grow and help bring more traffic towards our front-ends that could really need it. Do you think that could be a good idea for POSH? Would you support a proposal?


For a while now, when someone shares my post on Twitter, I vote for it after reading the tweet, because it encourages them and I'm happy that my post reaches more people. Sometimes I also see things shared on Twitter and vote for them. I think this is an important project and it really helps to promote Hive. I would support this proposal.

Hello @acidyo, first of all I wanted to thank you for the wonderful work you have done in all these years for Hive, starting with @ocd which has allowed many good users to grow and considerably reward quality, a fundamental point for growth of Hive. I too was recently rewarded by your project for a post that was very important to me and I was super happy, so I sincerely thank you for creating @ocd.

But above all I wanted to tell you how much I admire the @poshtoken project and the fact that you recently recorded the tweets record makes me very happy, because I find that taking Hive off the platform and incentivizing those who do it, is a winning key to grow this blockchain, above all by bringing it to Twitter where the largest number of people seriously interested in the world of cryptocurrencies are certainly concentrated. I admire your work, because in my small way I too try to make Hive known and bring new users and new investment.

I wish you a wonderful weekend ;).

Hope posh will help you get a little extra rewards for your efforts, thanks for the kind words and for being here. :)

Thanks a lot, I use it to give it visibility, I also dedicated a post to it for newbies, because I think it's a top project to make this blockchain grow! Have a happy weekend ;).

For instance if @splinterlands would see that some great splinterlands posts were shared by some people and seem to have genuine impressions on Twitter, give the comment a vote to not just encourage people to continue sharing but also incentivize more to do so.

This is a really good idea that is possible to apply! First, I need to understand all the criteria you use to define what is an eligible Twitter, knowing this I can give an extra vote of @steemmonsters in the comment @poshtoken of the highest quality posts as an incentive for the dissemination of quality content on real social media!

As I've mentioned before, the comment upvoting works in many different ways, aside from encouraging the sharer to continue sharing, there's now also a "prize pool" that anyone else can participate in when a vote lands on the comments. Say for instance you give it a 10 hive vote, now people can share the same post, depending on the performance of their tweet those 10 hive will be distributed among everyone that shared the same post and paid out after 7 days. So it's both as an incentive and promotion, it also encourages authors to hold HP to give the comments a vote to encourage more users to share their content which leads to more readers, some from hive some hopefully outside of hive.

As to how to determine the criteria, you just gotta check the twitter history of the user and hive, if you suspect foul play in the form of not genuine twitter performance (bot likes, retweets, cashrain, trading/spamming of likes/retweets) we have an abuse channel in our discord where these could be put forward and we then ban the users from earning posh/hive so the upvoted comments would then instead go to the DHF @hive.fund rather than to the potential abusers, but rest to those who aren't banned.

So let's make it happen!

Manual is the only way unfortunately very time consuming, something with our limited hours in a day with electricity becomes a nightmare.

Will continue sharing content as I have always done, I do not have time to drop Twitter URL into Discord.

Keep up the brilliant work at keeping it real... human touch!

Would you support a proposal?

Yes, as I think POSH is doing a great job at helping Hive reaching more web2 users.

If a proposal could help the project to keep doing what it is already doing (i.e. rewarding Hive users who genuinely promote their or others' post on Twitter), I would defintely vote for it! Even if my vote isn't game-changing :)


I have kleptomania.
When it gets bad I have to take something for it.

Credit: reddit
@acidyo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @arc7icwolf

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Thank you for sharing this post and discussing the @poshtoken curation process. I understand this is not an easy task, with a large number of POSH eligible tweets existing every day and continuing to grow.

@tipu curate

Hey please check discord when you have the time :)

POSH has undoubtedly generated a lot of traffic and views to HIVE and it is good to support the project in a proposal if necessary for them to continue their work. Congratulations for your work and always being so creative.

Getting back to the roots kind of thing .

~~~ embed:1618986858842836993 twitter metadata:MTg4NDc3MTkxMnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS8xODg0NzcxOTEyL3N0YXR1cy8xNjE4OTg2ODU4ODQyODM2OTkzfA== ~~~

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @acidyo, @shiftrox, @seckorama ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

You have given a good reason to stop curation. Because it really makes a person lazy and content which is not of good quality sometimes gets auto upvote.

I wanna be like you @acidyo some day

thats alot of number !
that should cost sooo many times to read, curate, and comment every post 😅

Of course I would support the proposal, it's great that essence of promoting these publications, I would like to be taken into account through posh token cures I consider that we should support each other in the work.

@acidyo81 I support the initiatives, the Twitter regarding the posh token, and I know the many commitments you may have, but I wanted to comment that on several occasions I have tried to have the ocd discord, can you help me, I would really appreciate the support because many friends hive users have sent me the invitation and I have tried to access through the link in the ocd publications but I could not consolidate, thanks in advance

I feel the same way with manually curating content. It becomes so time consuming that it really gets to be boring. A DHF proposal might be a solution. One needs resources to burn especially with a growing project that helps Hive get more action on Twitterverse. Paying curators and giving out rewards will have to come from somewhere, right?! I support this idea.

one could put in a lot of effort to make the most of it daily

I think the problem with this is that people expect to be voted and ofcourse everyone wants to be voted, but I decided to just go with the flow, if I don't get voted I don't get voted 😂 Hive is like a digital diary to me now... One day I can scroll through it when im old and frail and laugh at the cringe moments😂😂

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Yes I would support the proposal because it is undoubtedly a great effort that is invested in manual curation and recognition of quality posts. Go for it!

I do not have time for extensive curation, but I do save some times to comment and upvote at least 10 friends per day. Well, most of the days.

Support. I'm a Posh user, and also Redditposh user (seems that have some problems today, I don't see comments) and of course, that kind of proposal seems to me useful for Hive promotion.


The poshtoken is it is a great tool for engagement, I believe that a proposal could be created to be beneficial for both curators and creators.

I understand you @acidyo , we started an excited project, but when sometimes we end up not doing something we loved, to become "a job" instead of something that motivated us to do it and that takes up a lot of our time, it really starts to get exhausting, I follow the ocdb communities and see how much both posh and original content are valued.

As simple as sometimes a post can be, if it is done with heart, it will show the personality of each one, I believe that this is the essence of hive, a place where everyone can be different, but at the same time be a family and complementing each other.

Thank you soo much!