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RE: Who is gentleshaid?: My introduction to the Hive community.

in #posh4 years ago

I had no idea you had a kid! (Though you could have told me 7 times, my memory blows).

Interesting stance on religion vs science. Though I'm a staunch atheist, I'm not the 'activist' type and can see the value religion brings to countless folk. At the same time, this can also bring resentment, but that's a story for another day.

Also, though I can play chess, I prefer Go. If you ever want to learn and battle me there, hit me up!

Always more than glad to see you continue this journey on Hive with us!


Not sure I directly mentioned it to you. He's a year 4 months now. Not sure there exist many atheist in Africa. I think poverty and religion are positively correlated. I also believe that religion remains one of the reasons African countries will remain underdeveloped. I'm a religious person but quite Liberal with it.

I don't know much about go but I'm going to do a bit of research on it right away and if my interest got piqued, I might hit you up.

Well, the US is extremely religious - about 82%. If there was a strong correlation, this would be more like 10%.

There is an argument that the US is an anomaly among the developed countries, but I suspect there's more to Africa's development than only religion. There's a complex history of dominance there from outside of Africa which continues to this day with China, in particular, getting a taste for it. I'd say this plays a larger role (but I'm not there so I can only surmise)

That's quite a revealing statistics about the US. I know a couple of religious US citizens and I know they are kinda Liberal with their religiousness unlike those we have around here. When it comes to Christianity especially, I found that the western countries are far more Liberal than Africans. Funny enough, this religious was imported from western countries.

A politician will embezzle a huge sum of money and then go to church to go and do thanksgiving and the pastor and the entire congregation will welcome him knowing quite well how corrupt he is. A public servant will drop an offering that exceeds his annual salary and the religious leaders will not ask him any question. I don't think this can happen in western countries. We hold religion to be sacrosanct down here.