Three Tune Thursday: "Nostalgic Mellow Memories"

Today is Thursday. And as many other thursdays, I'm gonna post my #ttt today. Well, at least it still keeps the rhyme and doesn't disfigure the tag too much. It is not like this? :)

Yeah, I come to the challenge again late... but as the saying goes: "¿Isn't it better late than never?" And as the other saying goes: "¡It's never too late when joy is good!" Right?

Okay. I don't really care much if you're a "sayings" fan or not. Or if you're adept at remembering those old adages that take you back to bygone days. The only thing I know is that I've already been posting too much nonsense about the political, economic and social state of things around the world lately and right now I just need to brighten my life a bit with some pleasant memories of when things seemed to work better without so many worries. ¡And for this I will use music!

Yeah! the music! The music that heals everything and remedies everything. And that to exercise the magical and healing powers of a sylvan witch doctor and ancient musical shaman like me. I am not even going to appeal to many prayers, panegyrics or spells spoken or written with too many words to read.

Nope, if you want to continue reading something, then you're going to have to click on the next colored paragraph. Because today's post is gonna be rather short and without much intention of making you read more things than necessary that you probably won't even understand because you simply didn't experience them in all their intensity and dimension from the first row as I did at the time. Since this is merely a Three Tune Thursday with only "Nostalgic Mellow Memories" for my friend @ablaze and for all the #ttt tribe that shares their own memories and melodies every week either on Tuesdays or Thursdays, like I do sometimes.

The point is that at that time we used to dance together embraced tightly body to body. Feeling closely each other our breath, our sweat, our most imperceptible tremors and movements. And patently and palpably our most inconfesable passions and deep desires. We both just needed to have enough time to perceive it in all its dimension and magnitude. Usually dancing voluptuously onto a mere little brick.

So, today I am only going to share a quartet of beautiful musical pieces that, due to their majestic length, slow and seductive cadence, smooth and sweet compass and voluptuous/intoxicating chant of sirens. Through those moments in the far past, they were not good just to be 'listened to' passively from the distance.

Nope, these songs were like authentic war trumpets that called and invited the present tribes to stand up and enter to the "battlefield" and engage in a fierce hand-to-hand fight with the adversaries until someone finally emerged victorious in the collective fray. Since our ears were not enough to emerge triumphant from such a musical crusade. Our whole body had to be actively used in this dangerous mission. From tip to toe. And I suspect that from these fierce, savage and bloody hand-to-hand fights, it is that many of you emerged on this planet to now be able to be reading this story. Yeah, music has always had many purposes and multiple goals. };)

I really hope with all my heart that your pulse has not trembled to actually «click» on the colored paragraph above to better understand this post today and everything that I tried to convey to you with this quartet of memorable slow & mellow melodies.

Everything that really has value and significance in our lives is really always beyond what is at first sight. And to explore it in all its dimension and magnitude, we will inevitably have to take action to discover it. Like simply "clicking on the links" that life provides us sometimes. Yeah! only sometimes!

And well, to end this musical post right here with a somewhat more optimistic and positive note and an old melody that I am sure also contributed that many of you be reading this post right now. Let me do it with one song that will motivates us to always get closer and closer to each other with a sweet hug and a wide smile wherever it can be the battlefield and you may survive until next Tuesday/Thursday. :)

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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Cranky Gandalf



Thursday with only "Nostalgic Mellow Memories" for my friend @ablaze and for all the #ttt tribe that shares their own memories and melodies every week either on Tuesdays or Thursdays, like I do sometimes.

Always great to have you aboard the #ttt train no matter what day of the week it is brother.

majestic length, slow and seductive cadence, smooth and sweet compass and voluptuous/intoxicating chant of sirens.

Yes indeed, all of the above and I like the way these songs grow and grow. I really dislike how almost all modern songs are around 3 minutes and sometimes shorter - are our attention spans really that short that we can't enjoy long tunes like you shared or a classic like Pink Floyd's Shine on you Crazy Diamond?

Nice way to finish out your set with a nice upbeat classic, I have not heard that one in a while, great tune.

Always great to have you aboard the #ttt train no matter what day of the week it is brother.

There you go brother. Listening this is something very pleasant for which one must always be extremely grateful. And therefore, I thank you very much for having counted with your license and concession to be able to share my tunes without strictly following the rules.

I really dislike how almost all modern songs are around 3 minutes and sometimes shorter - are our attention spans really that short

Well, regarding this, I suspect that the explanation could be simpler than we think. According to my long experience in music and what I have been observing over the years. I have the impression that today no one dares to create long songs for the simple fact that they are no longer made to be danced to but only to be listened to if you want to make a quick buck with them.

Either to make it easier to broadcast them through traditional commercial radio or thru modern streaming audio platforms online like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Pandora and Deezer for which the authors and composers need that there are as many reproductions as possible to make a buck.

And in consequence, I'm afraid that after the demise of the gigantic and legendary live concerts like Woodstock and the like in the early 70s when music was being made a little bit more from the heart to spread the art and not so much about money. Nowadays no one cares if these songs are going to be danced or not. What interests them is that their songs obtain a maximum of reproductions and clicks in the shortest possible time to generate that buck. And I'm afraid that both, today's creative musicians and the representatives of the new and current business model of musical distribution and dissemination, both are coinciding with this baleful mentality.

Nice way to finish out your set with a nice upbeat classic, I have not heard that one in a while, great tune.

Hahaha yes, at the end I assumed that I should also include at least one of those long "romantic" songs of the time that could be somehow better known by you the youngsters. };)

Cheers!! :)

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