Rich people can not help the poor ones

in #poverty6 years ago

Poverty means ability of being poor or when one struggle really hard to have one miserable meals in 24 hours. Poverty and hunger are cousins, the former always dragging along the latter wherever he chooses to go. If you are wearing suit and you look naturally rotund in your apparel, you cannot understand what poverty entails nor can you have a true feel of poverty. A person begins to have a true feel of what poverty means when, apart from all tattered clothes on his body, he doesn't have any other, not even a calico sheet to keep away the cold at night. The real poor man has no roof over his head and this is why you find him under the bridge and in a vast open air. The poor man face the world as a hopeless underdog. In every bargain, every discussion him and other, the poor man is constantly reminded if his failure In life. Nobody listens attentively when he makes a point, nobody accept that his opinion. merit considerationimages.tag @vincent b