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RE: Power Down Time

I don't see the benefit of a tax on powering up/rewards. Don't we want people to power up?

The power-down tax would be used to discourage power downs but offer the option of a quick liquidation. That I understand. But why would we want to discourage users from powering up in the first place? You lost me there.

If the tax pool gets dripped to HP holder accounts based on a holder's percentage of held HP, it sounds like whales would get all of the benefit while minnows would mostly get a 10% increase in difficulty in growing their accounts.

How much tax from minnow rewards/power-ups would be funneled into idle whale accounts? Should idle accounts grow at the expense of those actively engaging in the community? I'd need to see some math before considering something like this. It looks pretty anti-minnow on the surface.


Its a flat %, no one gets more or less than anyone else. If you have a low amount of HP you pay way less than someone with large HP. If the person with large HP cashed out, it would mean the low HO benefits greatly. If anything, small accounts that power up for a long time stand to benefit the most. They put in the least and stand to gain the most in comparison.

That definitely sounds more appealing. The question that comes to mind is what would prevent people from liquidating everything except 50HP in order to get the tax distribution? What about people who create a hundred accounts that each have 10HP.

Or would the distribution only be for people paid into the tax pool?