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RE: Power Down Time

in #powerdown3 years ago

I would tax only those who want to powerdown instantly - 10% should be fine for now.

Make it optional, if a user decide to powerdown through 4/13 weeks, he shouldn't pay any tax.

As for taxing when buying, I don't see an actual point other then making it a bit different in terms of dynamics.

So, if any dapp wants to powerdown in order to distribute rewards among its stakeholders, it can do it but only if regular power down is used


RC markets would loss any dynamics.

Makes again a barrier for power ups.

I don't like it at all. My vision for hive would be close to no barrier, free markets and everyone is welcome.

Try new things out and build web3. Thats why i make a proposal for dynamic power downs, without taxes.

Edit: And instant power downs makes wallet recovery pointless.

We gotta do something, 13 weeks is ridiculous and obviously no investor is willing to take such a risk.
I wish it was different, but it's not