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RE: Power Down Time

in #powerdown3 years ago

I would like to see something happen. I don't mind the 13 or 4 week option, but I do think there should be some additional costs for fast powerdown that benefit those who stay powered up. This might be an interesting gamification layer!


Ya, there is nothing like staying loyal when Hive goes to the moon and people insta dump. Those that stay behind can end up being rewarded nicely, so there are no hard feelings for people leaving. You'd actually be quite happy to see them go! :)

Just like the 5min voting window, which has finally be changed this coming HF, for the better. I think this 13 week no way out is sort of outdated, and as we see, a lot is speaking up and saying some pretty neat ideas. The cool thing is there is a lot to learn from with defi, and we can take advantage of that.

The other thing about the sellers is that they benefit massively from those who stay powered up. It is interesting that after a bullrun they laugh and say "should have sold, because I made..." but if the large accounts di, they would get dumped on and make far less. The more incentive to hold the better for both sides.

HF25 is going to be cause a shakeup for sure. will be interesting to see how the auto-maximizers react. The other thing that'll be interesting (if included this HF) will be the additional interest on HBD in the savings wallet to help with the stabilizer.

We go to the moon? Ha! Staking even harder! Haven't taken any out at all and letting this and the portfolio grow...

Yep! The tax on pulling out quicker is a huge deal. I'm hugely in favor.

The rest. Why? This could be a great game changer.