Is God Obliged To Answer All Our Prayers ?

in #prayer3 years ago

Today , I will like to share my views on the topic ; Is God Obliged to answer all our prayers .

Before I start , let consider this scenario . There was a baby that loves playing with a very long stick ,which has potential to injure the baby , if the mum tries to take away the stick , the baby cries ,and if she decides to leave the baby with the stick , the innocent baby may end up injuring himself.

This is similar to what happens between our prayers and the answers to them . There are some things we seek for ,which will not be beneficial to us , and God being all-knowing and wise will not grant us the request . Does this make him unjust ? , No , God is our ever loving father and wants the best for his children , thus He will never grant us any request that will not be favourable to us , spiritually and physically.

Secondly , most times we don't really know what we NEED in life . Won't it be ungodly for Him to grant our wants instead of our needs ?

Let us then bear in mind, that whatever prayer that God didn't answer is for our own benefit . We should appreciate whatever he bestows on us , and always pray for his will to be done in our lives.