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RE: A request to everyone to join us tonight for Full Moon Manifestation and Prayer

in #prayer3 years ago (edited)

I sawyour notes and completely agree with your comments regarding downvoting posts because certain people think they are 'over rewarded', whilst they are ok with their friends getting high rewards constantly. I just want to show my support <3 I feel you. I mean we can either work together to create change here if there are enough of us, or focus on steemit where we are free in a day to day sense.


Thank you for your support my dear @ultravioletmag. All I can tell you is leave it here, there is no use. None of these guys are doing all of this with an intention of supporting us or bringing us down, they are fighting amongst themselves just making us guinepigs. I have asked rancho to not support me as all of this brings a lot of negative energy into my space which is not acceptable by me. I work hard to keep up here and I do not wish to be part of anyone's tussle and ego issues. I was more pissed off because everyday I was getting targeted and the reasons I got were baseless to prove any point. I know and understand very well, that there are many favorites of these people who earn as high as 3k to 5k Hive monthly and not even one downvote for them, but you see for me more important is my cause and I do not wish to get into these politics. I love my communities here and they support my work wholeheartedly which is more important then getting into these things and bringing myself down. Just distance yourself out from all of these please. I told rancho that if he is so keen on supporting me then he can do it on Steem, because if he likes my content so much and upvotes all my post then he can do that on Steem rather then Hive and after that he disappeared, so you understand where all this is coming from. Let's be in our peaceful spaces not inviting any lower energies into our space and keeping up with our work and the purpose that we are here for my dear. Lots of Love and Peace to you💖 Keep your power to yourself

I’ll find you on steemit! I also love the communities here but this is what happened on steemit basically, how it got so divided, the ones at the top fell out and started this kind of thing, then bofote long control was completely lost. The same cycle is repeating with the same people. I know exactly what you mean it’s draining and tiring to see so many of us mid range creatives just blogging and minding our own business being dragged into this yet again. I honestly think this platform would be far better wifh no downvote button st all but then how would people keep their illusion of control without it.
