good trade

in #price3 years ago

This morning I bought the 5k Hive back and some:

The day before, I had bought 2.4k HBD for 5k Hive (@0.48):

... got 5853.659 back this morning (@0.41).

+853.659 HIVE 🍾

EZ, lol

Should I try selling the 850 again at 0.42?
How far will it drop?
Will it drop?

What do you think?

Leave a comment; If it helps*, I will share some of the profits.
...the more precise, the better.

*If it does not work out, I will double-downvote your ass, lol


Eigentlich würde ich ja annehmen, dass Hive wieder etwas fallen wird, aber da Bitcoin gerade am Steigen ist, könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass der Fall nur im Verhältnis zum Bitcoin, nicht aber im Vergleich zum HBD sichtbar wird.

edit: oh nein, ich habe gerade erst das Kleingedruckte gelesen. 😂

no mehr drop

nein, nein, NEIN!

$9 confirmed

$9 confirmed

$15 confirmed!

Hive and HDB seems to be in a range on onside market. I've a few good experiment on Bittrex
But word on the outside is cryptos go down on weekend,and%20other%20factors%2C%20experts%20say.
I have not monitor the internal for a long time but I'll say any good amount profit, I'll take.

first happy weekend friend, then great that you have earned more Hive and it would be great if it goes down a bit more so you can continue to earn more. How they say "he who does not risk does"

How far will it drop? Not that far if any for the near future IMVHO but that's as sound prediction as telling the weather 20 days ahead. Good luck anyway.

are you buy HBD for interest ?

Mr. Bollinger says it's going to pump hard 🥰🙂