Problems are not the problem; coping is the problem. (Virginia Satir)

in #problemlast month

This is a quote that could be an eye-opener to a lot of people. We often look at our situations and believe that the situation we are in is the problem. Of course, if you drive a car and get home safely, there is no problem. If you crash your car and ruin the car of the other person, there is an actual problem, and I don't want to say that it isn't a problem, because it is.

But, if we think a little bit more, then there are real problems, and then there are situations that we might consider a problem, that just should be considered a challenge. And a challenge isn't a problem, it is a challenge.


Maybe you don't have time to do all the things you need to do. That might be a problem, but you can also look at it as a challenge. How can you get more done in less time? Are there any tasks you should delegate to someone else, or that you should just skip? There is the famous 80/20 principle, in which you spend 80 percent of your time on the 20 percent that gives the most value (or money), while you only spend 20 percent of your time on the remaining 80 percent. What is it about? It is about using your energy where it is most rewarding. It might be that the remaining 80 percent is shouting for your attention, but you actually become much more profitable if you can focus on what actually brings an income.

Of course, Elon Musk would probably say that in the start, he didn't get much income from developing SpaceX or Tesla cars, and he would have earned more spending his energy elsewhere. Instead, he spent 110% of his time on something that didn't really bring profit at all.. but he was a visionary and he knew where he was heading. That is something else.

No matter what... start looking upon the things coming at you as challenges and not problems... it will help you!