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RE: Technicals vs. Commercials. As the Market Valuation of Steem continues dropping, should more focus be put on Marketing Steem?

in #promo-steem5 years ago

I think the best way to get people signed up is gather a bunch of people on Steemit and then going on Twitter/YouTube to get medium/large people signed up.

For ex. Stephen you have a large audience, if you said ok guys every day let’s reach out to a specific person on YouTube/twitter to recruit them to Steemit.

I think this would be a success because if they bring their audience over it would be a win win for them and Steemit. A win for them because they’ll receive lots of Upvotes and a win for Steemit with the increased users.

In the past what has hindered us from reaching mass adoption is the user sign up limit during high capacity. From what I understand Hardfork 21 coming this month will allow for mass users sign ups...

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