I am now pleased to confirm that the interview I had yesterday with Stefania Barbaglio in London talking about Steemit & Steem is available to watch on-line..!!

in #promo-steem6 years ago

#Promo-Steem - Interview with Stefania Barbaglio in London

Interview talking about #Steemit & #Steem

Interview with Stefania Barbaglio is available to watch.jpg

As the Interview I had yesterday with Stefania Barbaglio talking about #Steemit & #Steem is now available to watch on-line I would like to once again give a Massive #Steemit Shout Out to Stefania for inviting me down to their London Studio for the Interview.

I could not have asked for a better welcoming when I walked into their Studio and I certainly could not have asked for a better interview.

Everything went so perfect, that I could not help but leave a pile of #Steemit Promotional T-Shirts and Flyers for the guys working in the Studio.

Stefania is a great host and I am really looking forward to give her a warm welcoming when she joins #Steemit.

Enjoy the video and once again I would like to thank everyone around the World working on the Marketing & Promoting of #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain and blogging to the #Promo-Steem tag.

You guys are doing an AWESOME JOB..!!

Thanks again for reading and enjoy the video.




Great interview! You concisely summed up SteemIt and the potential of blockchain technology. Your answers are very informative and easily understandable. A great introduction of blockchain and the potential of the STEEM blockchain and SteemIt to the masses.

When Stefania Barbaglio has her account setup on SteemIt please let us know in one of your blog post. It would be great way to welcome Stefania to SteemIt.

Have a fantastic week!
Steem on,

Thanks Mike. I appreciate that. I am really looking forward to welcoming Stefania to the #Steemit Community and hopefully we won't have to wait too long. After the interview we had a long chat and she completely gets the concept of #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain. She is one smart cookie and I know for sure she will do exceptionally well on #Steemit. I will make sure I ring the bells out loud when she gets her account created and everyone can start following her from day one. Thanks again Mike for your overwhelming support of my Blog. Stephen


I hope I say this right...
From your one voice promoting SteemIt you now have 1,000 to 10,000 voices promoting SteemIt. And these voices are heard around the world.

I truly think and know that the SteemIt platform has the potential to change lives and improve the lives of many people around the world. This is why I am an ardent supporter of #promo-steem and @steem-ambassador.

Thank you. I cannot express enough the impact you and the SteemIt platform are having in the lives of people around the world.

Steem on,

Thanks for your recognition of this effort @etcmike

Excellent video..you nailed it, you pitch the Steem blockchain perfectly!

Thank you. I appreciate that. Stephen

wow really so glad to see with her and i am seeing for her more intrest to hear your talk on steem and steemit that thing is more good that you name it a micro bussines and sure it is a bussines which will surely give many benefits to its investors and sir you are realy lucky that you joined it in early when only some thousand users and also talk on SMT is more good over the all i say you explained all it very well with easy understandable words and talk on every point of steem and steemit
she say that time to search on steem it is prove to join her steemit soon and that will be a great day when you have a bright star in your great team @stephenkendal sir

When more people realise that their #Steemit Account is like a Micro Business this is when the power of #Steemit and #Steem will be unleashed. When it does, the #Steem Blockchain won't be $1.1 billion..!! This will be in the Top 10 Cryptocurrencies over night..!! Stephen

I also think that soon steem will be in the top ten of the best.And steemit will be more popular facebook... Pretty interview with Stephanie Barbaglio! Good luck @stephenkendal


This is just wonderful @stephenkendal, I love the breakdowns and connections you made and I will most likely use them too when telling people about the steem blockchain and steemit. I particularly liked the look on your face when you mentioned that you were one of the first people to join steemit Lolz that look is priceless hahaha... Can't wait to welcome Stefania to Steemit... Until your next post, your humble namesake over and out.

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the video. Hopefully this will be shared around London and will bring a greater awareness to #Steemit and #Steem. Stephen

this is really an eye-catching initiative, i and my friends are promoting steemit too by giving flyers, do meet ups and recently had a promo-steem to the grandest festival in the Philippines . We did had a great time sharing the opportunity to the crowd. They seem so excited and positive!

How can we not love Steemit! ;)

Keep up the good work Sir @stephenkendal

Keep up the great work you are doing in promoting and marketing #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain. Stephen

that good to watch interview and i am happy to give infortmations and talk on steemit value with great valuable words
and we also hope maybe steem launched too late from facebook but after some time it will be more valueable from facebook and teh marketcap will cross facebook and sure will near google
your interview was great and this interview in start of 2018 is sign of a big rise up of steem with your good promo work and also steem many projects ...its not only blockchain it having many projects which dont have any other blockchain
keep it up always and she is look impress from your talk on steem

Glad you liked the interview. I am looking forward to welcoming Stefania to #Steemit soon. Stephen

promo-steem that is impressed all over the world, and will become history in steemit, success always for promo-steem and greetings from us in indonesia

#Promo-Steem is slowly picking up speed and it is great to see the various projects around the World promoting and marketing #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain. Stephen

congratulations on your hard work friends, we are here always support the promo-steem on

I'm pleased to say that I posted the first comment on Stephen's video, but someone else beat me to the first upvote. :) Essentially, I amplified certain points in Stephen's vid in the hopes that others watching it will join Steemit and try their luck.

Once again, thank you for all your support and thanks for posting the comment on the video. Stephen

Glad to! Thanks for sticking to your niche.

whats a great welcome in financiall fox of @stefania first episode of 2018 and talk on crypto in her first episode and this this prove that the blockchains value and specially steem and steemit and she look really much intrested in steem there and her start this interview with first question about steemit is good and also your decribe evey thing in detail and with good attitude also impress me and stefania and now i believe more and seeing the bright future of steem.....
i am looking forward for her announcment to join steemit
thanx @stephen for your efforts for steem i always appriciate you for this

It is always a pleasure to read your comments. As always, thank you for your support. I am looking forward to Stefania joining #Steemit and working with her on some #Promo-UK projects. Stephen

@ stephenkendal

WOW !!! great interview. I have to say one can never learn enough on the block chain . And yes this is going to revolutionize the whole world , I am sure there will be some resistance from governments but i think the battle has been won for the future of Crypto - Exiting times ahead of us .

Thank you. I appreciate the comment and support. The Cryptocurrency Market hasn't even started yet. As you say, exciting times ahead. Stephen

It's awesome to see people like you that have a lot of influence in our community talking (explaining) about the steem technology and it´s potential.
That was a great interview and I think she got amazed by the potential of what you presented to her! Hope all the viewers feel the same and that our community get bigger after this great initiative.

Excellent interview matey. Can't wait to speak to you about what else we can do!

Thanks Dylan. I will give you a buzz tomorrow for a chat. Txt me on the bat phone when you are free and I will buzz you back. Loads to talk about. Stephen

We need people like you, to advertise with the #steemit and give it a beautiful look to the public, which will make it receive a large number of new members ... thank you mr. @stephenkendal On this wonderful news
good job

You are very welcome and thank you for the support. Stephen

hared on Facebook. If you are on Facebook we would genuinely respect it in case you could please accommodate your structure. Grateful. @stephenkendal

Thanks again for all your support and sharing this on Facebook. Stephen

Thanks for doing it!

Most welcome stephenkendal sir
Please check my profile once @stephenkendal

Mr. Magoo found these accounts are suspicious & can be multi accounts of a single owner. Conclusion is based on last 30 days transactions: Mr. Magoo

Thanks! You fulfill your promice to update us. Glad to know that your interview gonna perfect and outstanding.

The way you're talking is awesome and you have given every answer perfectly.

Thanks again. Keep updating us like that :)

Glad you like the video. Thanks for the support. I appreciate it. Stephen

whats an extraordinary welcome in financiall fox of @stefania first scene of 2018 and chat on crypto in her first scene and this demonstrate the blockchains esteem and exceptionally steem and steemit and she look extremely much intrested in steem there and her begin this meeting with first inquiry regarding steemit is great and furthermore your decribe evey thing in detail and with great demeanor additionally inspire me and now I trust increasingly and seeing the splendid fate of steem

thanx @stephen for your endeavors for steem I generally appriciate you for this

Thank you for your continued support. I appreciate it. Stephen

Mr. Magoo found these accounts are suspicious & can be multi accounts of a single owner. Conclusion is based on last 30 days transactions: Mr. Magoo

Great video, good job your hands are working well haha. You put a great message to the world.

good job your hands are working well haha.

Next time I promise to sit on my hands..!! haha. Stephen

You explained very well about steem...& cryptocurrency ...i shared your interview to facebook

Thank you. I appreciate you sharing this on Facebook. Stephen

wow that's great opportunity we get now can see it and anytime great work done by @stephenkendal to promote steem and steemit keep it up

glad to see you had confirm it and very happy on it telecast hope it's will give our community a great big boot @stephenkendal

wow that's amazing niw i can find in in utube on online site to take a look amazing one @stephenkendal

its a great news for you and the for the promotion of steemit,looking forward to watch it. You are doing a great job and i hope it reaches to a massive audience.

wow, awesome promo-steem, i'm very proud of @stephenkendal, for bringing a very good show, and hopefully steemit keep going forward.

Thank you. It is my pleasure. I am glad you liked the video. Stephen

You are welcome

Wow! Interesting, absorbing someone like Stefania barbaglio into steemit will gave a huge contribution to steemit, thank you for the interesting video👍👍

”This is as big as Facebook ever was when it was created .”

Easily as big- indeed it should be much bigger as you talked about recently on your blog. Imagine what it will be like when blockchain is a routine part of the daily lives of everyone around the world.

Imagine what it will be like when blockchain is a routine part of the daily lives of everyone around the world.

Nailed it..!! This is what people need to understand. Blockchain will change peoples lives like electricity did when it was invented..!! Stephen

Steemit - the micro business. Love it! from Canada.

Wow great..You did a great interview..im really glad to see her.i learn more from you about steemit market.from your interview many people learn the benefit to invest on steemit and cryptocurrency.thanks for sharing with us.

The truth is Stefania is a great host and when he really joins #Steemit we look forward to welcoming him to a warm welcome. I really enjoyed the video

Thank you Mr @stephenkendal for posting this interview which brought you together with Mrs.Stefania and discuss everything related to Steemit and Steim Currency

thank you @stephenkendal for sharing from your interview in london. and I am very excited to hear this interview

Stephen is great Stephen is awesome

great work bro u r doing for steemit promotion it will rock now 😆😊😋

No one can defeat the power of crypto. Crypto is the king. Crypto will conquer. Long live steemit,. Long live steem..long live crypto.

Amazing interview, had a great work done by you, best wishes for you
It's be a good opertunaity for this

Great interview i am happy to see this video.wow this interview is really appreciating it ensure us about the success of steemit thanks for sharing .@stephenkendal

Yesss! Finally Lolz will be back with my proper review after watching. Yaaaay!

thanks @stephenkendal for your Amazing interview from london steemit

Wonderful interview thank you @stephenkendal

wow nice postEnjoy the video and once again I would like to thank everyone around the World working on the Marketing

Nice interview.it was a very informative article.Thanks for sharing @stephenkendal

wow that's amazing ,,,great news .thanks @resteem.

i was waiting for this .. thanks for sharing now ging to watch

you have done great job... Good to know that your interview gonna perfect.

That's my man! I will continue spreading the Steem news too. Promo-steem is an important aspect every Steemit user should get involved in.

i am happy to found your blog just now because i joined steemit just 4 days ago from my friend suggestions that invite me to steemit and now i watch your interview with Stefania Barbaglio really a great interview and really feel glad to hear you and talk on steemit platfarm and steem blockchain this exellent interview is too muc for my motivation and stick with steemit always
And also happy to know that here is great team with your which started promo work in uk ...hope you get your aims of promo
And a promo tag for this i have no idea about this tag but i hope i will know every thing and more hopes to get many knowledge from you in next about steem activities stephenkendal sir....Hope one day i will aslo start steemit promoting activities like you and join your team

Wow, man, this is one of the great intervview that i have ever watched, thanks mate for this .... You are awesome. Steemit technology purely defined, GOD blessed you

I start follow you right now, I will watch the video @stephen and good luck

Host got better looking as the interview went on