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RE: Please, Stop Islamophobia on Steem / @Threespeak

in #promo-steem4 years ago

Thank you, brother, for the time and care that went into your comment. I was not aware ... The same way I was not aware of the scope of the Armenian genocide (first time the word was used) or Hitler’s (justified, as it turns out) cynicism in saying that no one will remember it, before proceeding to commit his own...

Your point is well-taken about the distortions of history. And, of course, I understand that the virtual world reflects the real, hence the presence of the good the bad and the ugly, here.

But, we do not need a token murder or rapist or dictator to faithfully mirror all the the world’s atrocities, on Steemit ;) We can be more discerning in who we accept & recognize that some are not welcome elsewhere for good reason.

I think the mania to onboard people tends to favor quantity over quality; so those with a ‘following’ (even if unsavory) are, blindly, supported.

I’m afraid this does not reflect well on us, nor will it attract the people we want (masses, serious journalists, etc...) but I will spare you another rant.

After a day of sulking, I’m back to promoting Steem, today, in a news magazine.

Hope you enjoy the read and have a peaceful weekend 🙏🏼



It's good that you decided to stay around...Otherwise the very thing you find abhorrent gains momentum. Better to be the bigger man, say your piece and stand for the values you wish to uphold. ✅