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RE: The price is wrong: Bitch!

in #proofofbrain3 years ago

That mind trap is something we all struggle with. It's something I try to keep in check myself and I think that's one of the biggest advantages I now have compared to the many who impulse buy. These prices seem too high too fast to hold. Of course I think we will hit a new base level somewhere above $1. It's because of that I've been dumping my inflated Hive or what I feel is inflated at the moment into other cryptos which seem under valued.

Hive is actually pretty awesome for such transactions but the trick is having enough liquid hive on hand at all times. Hive for whatever reason pumps as a majority of the rest of the crypto market falls. What does that mean? To mean one of the most perfect spots to grab up another crypto I've been wanting. If that crypto is down 5% and Hive is up 25% I actually am buying 30% MORE then I would have otherwise. At least that's my thought process on it.