
Yeah, its just bad. Having a 1st layer wallet polluted with social media content that overshadows and limits the actual real use case for the currency, it is just tacky. I spent years watching these whales flag anti centralized content, anti government content and just being general bullies towards activists and now Chinese content too. People left and are still leaving. Twitter with the BTC tips has made alt social media crypto irrelevant and solved the rewards pool problem.

Oh guess what? Hive is partnering with obscure blockchains that wont get it listed past upbit. The circle jerks here on Hive and the levels to them is absolutely insane how clear and obvious they are. Who wants to invest into a currency that is primarily traded only in Korea, on an exchange that is not even close to being approved for use in western countries.

How is it Steemit INC was based in Texas and now both Steem and Hive is based in Korea on UPBIT??? We want to act like elitists and that Hive is special but apparently only special enough for Korea.