Encountering Wisteria and Japanese Schoolkids on a back road in Hiroshima!

in #proofofbrainlast month (edited)

Walking down the hill from my Saturday morning teaching gig I came across some beautiful wisteria blossom and stopped to video it... Just behind me were some junior high school kids who'd been let off the leash earlier than usual.

The boys politely stopped, so I invited them to pass as it would add some colour to the video... then they were spooked by a flying insect or something and ran off, so I followed them with my camera, but behind me I sensed a chance for a bit more fun...

Wait for it... they want to be in the picture too, those two fresh ornaments of a lovely spring!

I also posted a version of this video on TikTok:

Watch on TikTok

There are so many fun-filled opportunities to connect spontaneously with people, young or old, and enjoy the moment.

"Only connect."
E. M. Forster


David Hurley