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RE: Hive Owned By Companies and HiveWatchers - How They Like To Play

in #proofofbrain3 years ago

"Since you presumably use automatic mechanisms to do the work of finding plagiarism for you, you could be accused, as you accuse others, of making your cut with the help of modern technology. Just because you enrich it with questionable ideological speech and make a little more work for yourselves than those who dispense with interaction altogether does not make you better or good people."

Please, stop repeating this lie over and over again.
You know very well that all our work is done manually.
There is no efficient automatic tool to find most of the plagiarism-scam.
Cheetah (when we were still able to afford it) was only detecting basic plagiarism in English.

Sure, if you know such an effective automatic tool, then you are welcome to tell us. We would more than happy to use it.
Just don't bring examples of these useless online plagiarism tools that are out there.


P.S. ignoring my other considerations shows that you looked only for the weak point in my response, which it was, I admit.

You know very well that all our work is done manually.

I don't know you at all. I just checked your recent posts before I commented on you.

You are telling me, all is manually? Fine. I assumed something else. It's a difference between assuming something and telling a blunt lie.

I accuse you of being a criminal!

How bout that?

I agree with you.