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RE: The price is wrong: Bitch!

in #proofofbrain3 years ago

Yeah, the posts are worth less HIVE now that it is inflated it is a bit disappointing, I didn't have enough time to accumulate, but it is not something I can complain about


You joined 2016...I joined a year later. Time wasn't our problem, somehow we just missed it.

There is still time though, even if not this bull cycle, maybe the next

Its hard to buy when its 10 cents and looks like the project could be crushed to zero. Also hard to blog when there is no audience in the bear years but that's when the money is made.

The good news is your current stake makes for heavier $ upvotes and all of the time you have put in accumulating that stake is paying off a little more. It will go / then \ then / again. Just keep blogging.