
hahahha not just me and him - about 25 of the UU team! LOL
back in January when we started to wonder if Uptrennd was on its way out - I started thinking. hahahaha and the rest is history.
June 26 we want to quietly try something new hehehe (by quietly - I mean - we will start testing/sharing what we're doing) and then by July 25 - we hope that it will be something that will come alongside ALL platforms (kinda love that we don't compete - but help instead) and be a win/win/win/win hahaha

Whispers will start trickling out in the tigertrennd channel soon - and then - we'll just wait to see what happens.
we really don't want to hype anything - we just want a nice slow build that grows over time - stable, scalable, beneficial to everyone! :)

but as far as having him here??? you know i love seeing my online friends in person hahahaahha its the best!!!!!!!!!

#22222 is still on the horizon LOL