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RE: Extra Extra - LVL Plunges 25% as @enginewitty "Unwittingly" streams Psyber-X at 5 FPS! lol

in #proofofbrain2 years ago

Also.. This is a FUD post to try and drive LVL price down in order for coininstant to try and get more bags..

Pretty neat tactic but opaque to anyone who knows him and his tactic.


I wasn't trying to drive any price down. And @coininstant is just a friend that onboarded me here to HIVE from another project, I hardly know the guy.

He told me hive was safe but not to trust anyone, and especially not to invest in any of @klye's projects because that is how he lost money. So when I saw you were involved with LVL I grew weary and assumed it was another scam project.

It's just a post, I have the right to free speech, Ya'll don't have to get so bent out of shape over it. Now I see why everyone here is such pussies on HIVE, you speak up and make a little fud post and everyone gangs up on you and calls you names and accuses you of doing drugs. Really bizarre place this HIVE is, it's not for me.

Ya'll don't have to get so bent out of shape over it.

You made statements that were not true. There's opinion and then there are facts. Your statements as facts are inaccurate. That's why I got "bent out of shape" if I was even perceived that way.

I have the right to free speech

That's correct. So do we. However, if you write a lie knowingly, it is libel. If you knowingly say something that is a lie, it is slander. I am only responding here as my integrity has been called into question.

even though technically since it's just mirroring or cloning characters with a dynamic mask. this shouldn't take more than a few days. haha yeah right, more like a few months.

Actually, Jboss had it programmed within a day, until when he went to compile the program it threw back some errors. You are partially correct. In the area where you are correct, we have done exactly that-finished it in days. In the area where your assertion is that it will be months, your are likely to be 100% wrong; however, there is no way to prove a future statement as it hasn't happened yet. Based on my observations, you are incorrect. It will likely be in the days, if not hours before the errors are corrected and the inner team is able to test it again.

Streaming is not that complicated

I'm glad you feel this way. I hope that when you get to play, you'll show us how to stream better. For me, I have 9 YT channels, but I don't do live streaming as a practice. I prefer the quality of being able to edit before publishing. I have since streamed playing Psyber-X a few times. Let me know when you're available via discord and I can stream some more for you or anyone else willing to watch. If it looks like the frame right is low, it will be on your end as my YouTube videos of me playing show a 1080 HD version with no frame rate issues. Again, I lend the invitation to stream it for you when we're both available.

O.K. I toned it down a little, de-fudded piece.

!luv Thanks bud. Hope to see you on the battleground soon. By the way, Founders are now playing the game. !PGM !PIMP

You must be killin' it out here!
@bobthebuilder2 just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @soonlambo.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT - 0.1 THG - tokens to @bobthebuilder2

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

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Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

I see unreal engine can interface easily with the solana blockchain, but don't see anything about Avalanche or the HIVE blockchain. How is the game going to work with HIVE and keychain considering (as far as I know) keychain is only a browser extension and not meant to run in an exe. Will the game launch browser popups, or have you modified the unreal engine to work with hive and avalanche seamlessly from inside the game?

Or will the game be launched on a browser app in the future, I have no idea and just wondering, when I searched unreal it only mentioned solana.
Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 10.19.03 AM.png

wonders if bawb is secretly a layer 0_0

Good breakdown though. I think the situation should be mostly diffused though. Some nasty things thrown around in this post but I don't believe it was done from a place of malice but concern. Awell, water under the bridge on my end.

Tell your "friend" to unblock me so I can deal with my business with him I guess.

He's not lost a dime in anything I've done, so he's filling you full of shit. He / you are spreading libel and before your "friend" blocked me after making demands I was more than willing to reimburse / refund his shit, but he's off on some psychotic manic session and rather than act like an adult likes to spout bullshit then block people before they can reply as to not disrupt his delusion or something I guess.

Honestly feel bad for the dude as he's clearly having a manic episode, but that in no excuse to be going around blocking people after spreading libel.

The right to free speech does not include libel or slander.. Your "friend" located near the mexican borders needs to act like an adult and stop having a temper tantrum and spreading libel. Would rather deal with this behind closed doors than having to get an escalation happening.

It's blatantly obvious that you're a coininstant alt so drop the whole friend act and unblock me.. You're in no risk of me trying to get Holland & Knight or anyone like that involved.

Unblock me and we can talk about this.

Yeah I saw you giving my bro trouble so I threw some flags your way. I forgot all about the coins you owe me until today when I saw your comment on this post. P.S. I do want the HIVES back that I invested in your project, that's all. You can make weekly hive payments back to me until you pay it up. And also I think you should do a post and apologize for defrauding the hive community with your fake hiveloans project and work out a way to pay everyone back that sent you hive for your hive loans token that you couldn't even spend 100 hives to make to at least be honorable. At this point I relinquish my hive loans king title, I don't want to have anything to do with it. For the record i don't have anything against PsyberX, I have nearly 4 million LVL, so why would I try to fud my own bag down? I think it's real funny one flag and now i'm soonlambo too.? lol omg

lol you realize the manic writing style is a 94% match of your other posts right?

Unblock me you knob so we can sort out your refund. lol

(also posting one after the other on your main and alt accounts is bad acting) :P

Also, needing to type in all caps (or feeling the need to) leads me to beleive you're having a manic episode or something dude, which is fine, mental health is nothing to scoff at.. But you can't just go around slandering people and sending messages then blocking folks in a manner you have been today. It's not how you get shit done.

Message me when you're calmed down a little bit so we can sort this mess out and whatever is going on with you. Regardless of you being a fuckin' douche nozzle sausage I'm still more than willing to get things sorted out.

And "giving your bro shit" for being transparent and calling out a FUD attempt is pretty immature way to handle things to be fair man. You and your "bro" have damn near identical writing styles and outbursts so hopefully both of you reign in on your little FUD parade and get to a place mentally where you aren't making slanderous accusations against people. For the record though I'm not inclined to believe your tale of it being a "bro" of yours doing this. I would hypothesize you've fired up this alt in order to try and distance yourself from stuff you know damn well is legally dubious. Water under the bridge though I don't give a fuck if it's you or your "bro". I don't have time to get into pissing matches with people who think they are being crafty.

This isn't the first time you've had outbursts like this and frankly while I applaud your passion about things, sending people messages then immediately blocking them before they have a chance to reply isn't how any sane person conducts business.

My DMs on discord are open. I don't feel the need to be openly nasty towards folks who clearly are not in a mental state in which they are in full control, mania is a bitch but I get it.. I need to clarify which accounts / alts you were using and set up something to get you refunded, no issues there, but you're certainly not conducting yourself in a matter that makes it easy for me to get this sorted out for ya man.

I've said my peace. Until we can discuss this properly (preferably not in a manner of back and fourths on the chain) I can't really help you out. But more than willing to.

Either way, take it easy man.

O.K. I'm glad we got things sorted on discord.

Writing styles eh...good eye. Maybe just maybe you missed your calling as a criminal forensic scientist detective working for the FBI "Sir Sherlock Klye!" 🔎

Thanks. It's my autism probably. XD