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The value of hive presently has surppassed that of steem in just a year plus and that's amazing and through the help of it's creativity.
Creativity is the only reason why investors will invest a lot on a cryptocurrency because people can't just invest on anyhow thing.Hive still have a long way to go and it's still have to be popular in many social media like Twitter because it's popularity it's somehow low on Twitter compared to its potential and crativity


Why do tron have to decide about taking over steem.
Well I really don't know the reason why they have to do that but if not because of them hive blocked chain would have never existed.
So everything have an advantage and disadvantage.
When you think everything is not ok it is just a scene to push you to a greater place that's what happened to steem and hive

But true
If hive wasn't created,I wouldn't have been here today all thanks to God and thank tron for making steem to make the decision of creating hive and thank @proofofbrainio for creating this interesting plat form proofofbrain.
All these are indirectly caused by tron

The value of hive surpassed that of steem not because his market capacity he is more than that of steem but because of his scarcity or is total supply is more less than steem.