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The cause of self upvote is selfishness and greed and nothing more.
Why would you be self upvoting your content when curation reward is shared half, half of the reward will go to the content creator and have will be yours and you are still up watching yourself to get all the rewards.
It's just greed and self centeredness and that act should be stopped in this community


Self-upvote does not mean selfishness or self-centered.
Some people will write content and will dedicate their time to create the content because it is not easy to create a content without copying.
so you will take all your time to create the content and you will hardly receive an upvote.
So why one curate himself?, Then you will now start using your money buying pob while other are selling and making money and you will create the content and you will not receive any reward.
So I don't blame anyone who upvote himself

That could be the reason for some of the self-votes, but not all. What I understood was that some people believed, or were led to believe, that self-voting was good because it showed people you were willing to spend VP on your own content.