in #proofofbrain3 years ago (edited)


Click link above for video ...

It has now come down to being Anonymous in order to release contrary information ...

This information reveals a massive conspiracy of the globalists with big pharmaceutical companies, government agencies all bought off with money or bribery. Fauci & Gates being the main conductors.

If you have time watch the video below of Dr. David Martin explaining to German lawyers how the so called Vaccine is a Bio-Weapon.

More of Dr. David Martin


Excellent Mike. If I scream until I'm blue in the face about this, to the folk around me, they would give me a sheep's excuse. Here in Quebec they will implement a vax passport in September for basic non essential stuff. They are now going to parks and giving vax's to picnickers, and people are lining up. Oh and here in Montreal people can drink in the park. Imagine making a drunken decision like this. Some of them were heard saying "yay I can do anything now I'm so safe." I have accepted the possibility that I may have to run. I'm not exactly afraid of death but I don't want to sell out.

Very interesting information which makes sense.

Common sense will tell anyone that possesses it an experimental jab in every arm for a 1 % killer when we had life saving drugs to begin with does not make sense. I guess people just can't get their heads around a world wide conspiracy.. But after 4 years of media lying about Trump it was easy for me to see through more lies.

I have been seeing the lies for decades and now they are becoming more and more obvious.