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in #proofofbrain โ€ข 3 years ago

Hey the beautiful and awesome king ๐Ÿ‘‘ and Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘ in the great community streetpob, I want to use the golden opportunity to greet you all with the greeting that supercede all greeting in this world ๐ŸŒ and hereafter which is assalamualaikum warahmatulahi warabakatuhu meaning may the blessing of the almighty Allah to be you all, ameen. And it seem here in our community don't care and ask about ourself when it come to engage and interaction, because I was expecting some to say where is so so and so person for not making his summition.

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i want you to resolve things with @scholaris.pob the act of plagiarism is highly prohibited in this community and you have been found guilty of this so many and you dont respond to this. please respond to him and rectify things and dont do such thing again

Ok boss tanks so much boss I really appreciate your time and your respons . Tanks once again, although I have chart him which is @scholaris

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