Behavioral Inheritance and What to do...

in #proofofbrain2 years ago

There are ways of speaking, of sitting down, of looking, of acting, of reacting, inherited from childhood.

Some are lucky enough to be born into families who have left them behaviors that create a virtuous circle around them. They have a great behavioral heritage.

Some are totally unhappy, they have inherited behaviors that create a vicious circle around their life. They are constantly faced with failure, no matter how hard they try and how hard they want. They hardly know why they keep failing or struggling. They have a bad behavioral heritage.


The first group of people succeed almost effortlessly while the second is hampered no matter how hard they try.

Now, …

Imagine, guys who have never had a father figure in their life but have to take on a father figure role when they have children. They have no model in mind and have not experienced the exercise of a father figure. They don't have a behavioral heritage here.

They desperately look at parenting and hearsay books, and often fight a lot for their parenthood.

Imagine girls who grew up with their single mother, whose values ​​were ferocity, independence, impertinence, strength, challenge ...

These girls could grow up taking these values ​​as normal behaviors for a woman even when they want to build a normal couple. Unfortunately, they would fail, as these behaviors would constantly upset their partners.

Our behavioral heritage could be a great asset or a heavy burden.

The most important areas of behavioral inheritance are:

  • body language
  • How to speak under the circumstances and get what you want
  • Goal in life
  • How and when to subordinate
  • How and when to drive
  • How to fight in public and in private
  • Sacrifice to bear
  • Money and career
  • ...,

It is important to take into account your behavioral heritage and consciously chart your particular life. Otherwise, you would be on autopilot to rehearse the life of your parents.

Behavioral loops are almost inevitable.

They are hard to break if they are negative and also hard to lose if they are positive.

Most of the time, we inherit our place in the world. Please leave an important behavioral legacy for your offspring.



Very great piece of writing bro.. I love this💯🔥

True words man.. what ever trait we portray, so would our children take up because indirectly, they learn from us.

What can we do not to let our children be affected by our lives?

You start by consciously changing certain behavioural traits you find.

It takes a whole lot of dedication and consistency.

Only when you change these inherited traits will one not pass them down to their offsprings