
I've explained a little about downvoting in other articles of POB street. I use the DV to remove rewards from fraudulent articles. People can use the DV to remove rewards for over-rewarded posts..

This is what I replied at..

You just said what you use the DV button for but it's Just you, some downvote because they don't like your post not because there is anything fraudulent in it... And sometimes when that happens, hivewatchers have nothing to do about it, I can downvote anyone without any concrete reason which is bad, before the downvote button is used, they should be a part where we should explain why a post should be downvoted...

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Have you every used Freeze Peach? Here is a link to their discord: Freeze Peach. It's a program used to counter downvotes you don't agree with. You submit a link for whatever comment or article you feel is wrongfully downvoted and submit it for a review. I haven't used them before as the DVs I've received in the past were minimal.

A problem with Hive, in my opinion, is that it's a system trying to have its cake and eat it too with respect to voting. The system is set to allow a freedom of expression with the vote. Upvote and downvote as you please. Such freedom comes with a cost and that is represented in the malicious upvoting and downvoting that can occur. Coupled with the issues inherent in Proof of Stake it seems that we arrive at the problem we have now.

A responsibility we all have is to agree on a set of guidelines. Before we get there though, we need to understand how it's done now and the tools available to monitor and affect it.

On another note, Hive Watchers is a busy group. I don't know that they've ever countered a downvote nor do I think they ever would. I'm busy looking for fraud on this one tribe, I can't imagine the resources it takes to monitor an entire blockchain. And they get death threats...sheesh.