For the 4th of July, do you know how to...

in #proofofbrain3 years ago

A blast from the past

Originally published Jul 2, 2020
Updated w/ commenter suggestions
I may make this a yearly re-buzz


For the 4th of July, do you know how to...

...plan an operation?
...organize a covert cell? a rifle?
...set up a safe house?
...set up an exercise program?
...communicate secretly?
...boost morale?
...gather intelligence?
...analyze intelligence? an underground press/mimeograph?
...identify surveillance? new recruits (i.e, make sure the people you recruit are genuine)?
...analyze an ACH?
...transfer money covertly?
...stash goods?
...raise your own food?
...bandage a wound?
...fix your own car?
...disguise yourself?
...suss out a lie?
...set up a meshnet?
...scan your computer for viruses?
...operate a radio?
...determine a target priority?
...identify a forum troll?
...forgive cultists (not saying one has to, but one should know HOW to)? a meeting/townhall smoothly?
...reload ammo?
...treat a sick person? something useful?
...distill alcohol?
...turn crypto into cash (or bartered good/services)? w/o ID?
...identify leftists and their lies?
...identify globalists and their lies?
...fix useful things?
...give clear orders?
...participate in a free market? to specific places at specific times in sufficient numbers?
...write effective propaganda?
...create accurate memes?
...organize openly?
...define duty?
...make a sound argument?
...set a canary trap?

If you don't know how to do ANY of these things, then shut up about are not helping, you are virtue signalling.

And it's not necessary that everyone be a commando or superninjaassasin, either. But you need to be damn sure you can do something. Even just getting started learning about something is good. Some of the skills are harder than others, some take experience. No one is just going to hand you freedom.

And it may be that it's not necessary to do these things, but I will tell you this...
Any government, even a "benevolent" one, will fuck around a whole hella of lot less when they know citizens can do most of the things of this list, and have organized themselves to do so.

Please add suggestions of your own in the comments.

And don't forget to enter this week's writing contest to win some HIVESBI shaers!

This week's SBI Contest - What Does the 4th of July Mean to You?



Flying the flag on your train is not very helpful either. He did a lot of good but just as much bad. I have and continue to answer and work on your list. It is a good one. Here is something to add that will make the cabal shake in their boots.
Roger Sayles

Learn that voting is nothing more than being allowed to enter the building. I do like the man but will not idolize or vote for him. I look forward to seeing more content from you.

great answer, Trump may even be a "release valve" to take pressure off the deep state/leftist combine (it's there, but unmeasurable; sme cases like H. Clinton are combos)

I put the flag up their to keep some folks from chiming in '>

here's some reference material

maybe time for a Blast From the Past on that one

thanks for commenting

broken promises///blue32 #blue32