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RE: A Uniquely Smelly Canadian Adventure

in #proofofbrain8 months ago

That's some funny stuff, and what a huge hit. Voluntold, sounds very similar to Volunteered, but with a totally different meaning. I'm going to add this word to my personal dictionary, love it.

You must have thought the tall guy had lost his mind when he first approached you with this wacky idea, but isn't that what marketing is all about, coming up with a unique idea that draws eyeballs? The guy is a genius. I wonder what his bag smells like, that's probably how he got the idea.

The mayor seems like a real character, fun-loving dude who seems to know how to play the audience. The kid who won got some great gear for himself and his teammates.

If you decide to run this event again next year I would expect the gym bags to be extra smelly.


Haha it is all true. The kicker is the tall man is not a hockey guy. So you know who ran the entire campaign.

The best part was having the mayor agree. I had to do a sales job on that one and leverage a relationship with him I have been nurturing a while. Good to have the big guy on your side for community stuff and exposure for sure.