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in #proofofbrain3 years ago (edited)

Self-voting, is common but definitely not a norm luckily, we are glad to have responsible authors and curators, who understands the value of a Community. But yeah there are few who abuse it that is wrong. It's ok if one Upvotes his low rewarded post and not usually self vote on each and every post. It's a personal choice but definitely one should do it to an extent and should not abuse the reward pool.
I myself used to do that few times in the past on low rewarded posts but it's been so long I did that, I also don't feel the need to do it now because thankfully I am getting decent rewards on my posts and I am getting good curation rewards too. I love to utilise my voting power on curation, its much fun and feels good. I can proudly say i already gave up Self-voting. I am responsible towards Hive Community. But I will not judge any doing it unless one doing it excessively and abusing the reward pool. Especially on POB, just enjoy the curation rewards guys, a few self-votes not gonna benefit you much unless you have 100K POB Stake, lol. 😊🙏

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Nice one from you and I want to share this your opinion too,if it is not abuse I don't see it as a bad thing,but it is just that if this is not stopped or control it might become the order of the day and it will take away the integrity of the community,but also doing that too should not be a crime once it is not often and often, people should allow other people to give credit to their work too and not them giving themselves the credit cause of their voting power

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