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RE: Why We Should be Checking on Our Auto Upvotes

in #proofofbrain3 years ago

People would not even bother to put some effort in their posts

What is Facebook? Almost full of effortless posts and jokes. And one of the most popular social networks. It makes huge money, but not for its users, but for its creators and owners. The main difference between Facebook and Hive is in this aspect.

If Hive really like to reach mass adoption, then it should not focus on posts with efforts.


Facebook is different than HIVE. Hive is about blogging and people are being rewarded for the content they post. Hive is more than a social media.

Hive is about blogging

Not just/only blogging. There are even games (for example Splinterlands) on this blockchain. Hive is a blockchain, which is really more than a social media.