
People had over fifty weeks to powerdown, and didn't, because 13 weeks is too long, or some shit. Okay then. That change will make a WORLD of difference. Hive to the moon! ....

Next? The destruction of the base layer? Because thousands of successful high valued community tokens all getting converted to Hive at once then dumped on the market will somehow stop Hive from hitting the store shelves and fix "those problems" too?


Just do, whatever.

Nobody here can PROVE in advance a 'change' will change things, for the better.

When people parrot the same lines consistently, for years, without adding much, or finding flaws in their plans; consistently glorifying their solution as the only road to success... it's bunk.

Turning that dial won't change a damn thing.

But seriously, I'm relaxed, and don't care. Just do, whatever. Putting channel 5 on channel 3 doesn't and won't alter the programming.

Nobody here can PROVE in advance a 'change' will change things, for the better.

Lets put it this way...

What has more of a chance to impact our current state?
No change at all or attempts at change?

Standing still is just that. Standing still.

I'm not a fan of stagnation. Not a fan of blaming shit your regular human gives no fucks about being the cause of potential stagnation either.

Let me guess... the world will hear about THIS change, this time? This change won't be like that last time? And when this change occurs, we'll continue to keep it a secret? Then sit around thinking it's our settings that are the problem once the changes go into effect, but nothing changes?

Dude. We met bitching paid votes. Years ago. Kudos to you for trying to get the word out, okay? Those are the results I'm looking forward to seeing. How the fuck do you market something that in six months sounds nothing like what was marketed?

Always fiddling with knobs and twisting dials. At some point there needs to come a time where changes go into effect, then that shit is pushed onto the people in a way that makes them understand. If this is that time, okay, fine. But every change in the past has been kept a secret. People don't even know about the thirteen weeks. They don't even know they can buy a ticket, take the ride, and leave the ride with more than they paid. Never once focused on disposable income, in a world where disposable income pays the bills...

So, whatever. Do you damn thang, crypto kids. All this world knows is tokens. Nothing else.

Let me guess... the world will hear about THIS change, this time?

Lol. Prolly not. I mean there is no turnkey solution. You dont just tweak a small thing and think it changes everything.
You keep tweaking shit, trying to improve something somewhere.
Maybe this doesnt get changed, i mean Blocktrades is voting against so thats slightly telling on what stake thinks about the 4 weeks reduction, but at least we know where we stand.

You have to try and do something.

We know about the 13 weeks. The speculators dont have to know. The long term investors can take advantage of that as well.

Short term speculators speculate, long term investors accumulate and get a payout.

*edit: seem to be suffering from some technical difficulties and shoddy internet connection all at once. Ignore the edits, scattered thoughts, and multiple instances of the same words.... damn.

When it was... shit. I can't remember what it was when I started. 50 weeks... I dunno. That made sense. We got people bitching about those creating, earning, then selling. Well. Deal with it because they wanted less time. Perfect world I should have had millions in my account by now, powering down my yearly salary, one week at a time, like any other normal human. Speed up payday so OF COURSE, yes, money flies out faster than it can come in. Feels like common sense....

My focus, for the past few years, once I realized it, was the fact consumers are supposed to step in, act as 'curators', stake tokens, support their favs, at a rate that involves consumers/curators buying in, more, than what can be sold, due to long power down times. That made perfect business sense. CHIMED.

It fit well. The balance is gone now.

Finding ways to make extraction easier, quicker, more convenient; for hundreds of people(potential sellers). NOT doing anything to make it easier for the millions of CONSUMERS to purchase, in less time(potential buyers). Marketing is meant to attract millions. Out of those millions, only a few are big time investors. Catering to this tiny minority, but mostly just making adjustments so current stakeholders can get out quicker, this all seems kind of pointless, but whatever.

People are concerned about security. Not realizing one well placed rumor, some disinformation and the panic to follow is all it takes to weaken governance when combined with a shorter powerdown. The shorter that period is the easier it becomes to cause mayhem with just a few simple words. Tank the price, then move in.

Finding ways to make extraction easier, quicker, more convenient; for hundreds of people(potential sellers). NOT doing anything to make it easier for the millions of CONSUMERS to purchase, in less time(potential buyers).

This really doesnt have much to do with extraction. Its more about enticing investors to invest and stake.
There is about 35% of total HIVE staked right now. Lower powerdown times would entice them to power up. Thats all this is about.
No one is proposing a powerdown reduction so everyone can sell. That would be crazy.
A lower powerdown time would potentially increase staking and remove Hive from the market which would drive the price. 35% is extremely low. ADA has more than 75% staked for example.