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RE: Your Guide to Narcissism: Understanding the Construct

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Oh @dysfunctional! THANK you for the lesson here :)

You explained the social strategies narcissists adopt as a means to obtain the image of grandiose self so well!

I always imagined that narcissists resort to the following approach, which you described in a very straight-forward way :

dеvaluing and diminishing othеr pеoplе, by striving for uniquеnеss and by aggrеssivе bеhaviour.

But then again, the fact that many of them appear likable in short-term contacts, explains the less hostile self-enhancing admiration strategy!

Have a great week my dear :)


Yes, indeed !

There are a lot of interesting stuff regarding this topic and I will try to cover them in the parts to come !

Thank you so much once again for the support and engagement !

All the best !!