
I did follow you on Steemauto and gina. :D It's just most of the time, the topics are too advanced for my knowledge. Lol. So, I keep it slow. Nice though, will keep stalking you with Gina. :D

Thanks ! Good to know. I try to keep it as much simple as I can while at the same time following the required scientific terminology, required for the article. Comments like yours are really valuable in order to give me feedback. I will try to simplify the content in the articles to follow.

Actually, this post of yours is easy to read, with lots of headings functioning as breaks, and a conclusion section. That's why I can read, understand, and comment on it. If you make it simpler than this, I don't think it will pass the Stem requirement. Not sure on that though. But with lots of headings and a conclusion section like this post, it is already perfect, imo. :D

Thank you for the positive feedback !
Actually I was referring to the language, rather than the structure. To be honest, the way I structure my articles is pretty basic, so you are absolutely right - can't be more simple than that :D